> />
The following examples all go above and beyond what is required of a CiC. These kind of orders are obviously a labor of love. These players enjoy the planning and strategy aspect of designing and implementing CiC orders. Sometimes they take great efforts to make them look as real as possible. They include graphics and tips that you might only see in Scenarios where the planning goes beyond any other special event. These players take hours designing CiC orders not because they have to, but because they want to and enjoy doing so.
*When possible orders and graphics were displayed exactly as given.
The first is by 96Delta.
(This cover sheet is unclassified.)
1. The following operations order will be executed in part by personnel assigned to the Loose Cannons Alliance Composite Air Wing. Mission assignments of relevance to LCA members are highlighted in yellow. Personnel from other squadrons will also participate in the operation.
1. The following mission will take place on Friday, April 28, 2006 in the SEA promptly at 11:05PM EDT and for the following 2 Friday evenings. Pilots are to report to the SEA by 10:00PM EDT to download the map and complete other logistical preparations.
1. Attack troops in 9.14 sector.
2. Attack City in sector 8.14.
3. Attack A66. Flatten the field, leave nothing standing.
1. Our fleet steaming Southwest of Naples will need CAP. It is carrying vital supplies for the Italian campaign. A very large Cargo Vessel (CV) is being protected by a Cruiser and several destroyers. Make sure the Cargo Vessel (CV) does not get hit.
2. The city of Naples is the staging area for thousands of our troops. We expect that the Luftwaffe knows this and may attempt to level the city in order to stop our attacks along the front. 10.12.3 area.
3. V 95 is one of our closest vehicle depots. It has tons of ammo and hundreds of gallons of fuel stored there.
1. The following enemy aircraft are operating in the theater of operations and are expected to offer stiff resistance.
a. Messerschmitt Bf-109 G2
b. Messerschmitt Bf-109 G6
c. Focke-Wulf Fw-190 A5
d. Messerschmitt Bf-110 G2
e. Macchi C.205 Veltro (Greyhound)
f. Junkers Ju-87 Stuka
g. Junkers Ju-88
1. Strike Force Launching from A77 (Yellow Path)
a. III./JG44 Night Hawks (50% in B26 and 50% in P38) (1621 pilots) Please choose those that can level bomb for the B26 pilots. I suggest 500lb bombs for the B26?s. Fuel is up to the C.O. Fuel and load out for the P-38 is optional. P-38?s may carry bombs, but their primary goal is to defend the bombers. Bomber pilots drop on troop factory in the 9.14 area. Drop only 50% of your bombs. Save the other 50% for the city in the 8.14 area. Once you drop on the city form up and head south east for A68. If you have any ordinance left after you drop on the city put it on A66.
C.O. doobs : dubbag@...
X.O. Knuckles : seattlehammer2000@...
b.~CHawks~ (50% in B26?s and 50% in P-47D11) (16-21 pilots) Please choose those that can level bomb for the B-26 pilots. I suggest the 500lb bombs for the B-26?s. Fuel is up to the C.O. Fuel and load out for the P-47?s is optional. P47?s may carry bombs, but their primary goal is to protect the bombers. C-Hawks are to follow the Night Hawks to the first target of troop factory 9.14 area. Choose 50% of your squad to drop on the troop factory and the rest will drop on the city in the 8.14 area. Once you drop on the city form up and head south east for A68. If you have any ordinance left after you drop on the city put it on A66.
C.O. SpiveyCH : bigspivey@...
X.O. GooseCH : goose71666@...
c. Uknighted JG26 (10 pilots max in the P51B any extra in the P38) (7-10 pilots) You are to escort JG44 the Night Hawks out of A77 to their targets. Contact doobs or knuckles for direct instructions. Suggest 100% fuel and drop tank/s. You are to protect those bombers.
C.O. Navajo24 : navajoboy@...
X.O. BBQBOB : co@...
d. Arabian Knights (P47D11) (7-10 pilots) You are to escort the CHawks out of A77 to their targets. Contact SpiveyCH or GooseCH for direct instructions. Suggest 100% fuel and drop tank/s. You are to protect those bombers.
C.O. AKDogg : maddogdogg@...
X.O. AKWxMan : akwxman@...
2. Strike Force Launching from A80 & Nearby Fields (Green Path)
a. Loose Cannons (100% in B26?s) (11-15 pilots) I suggest the 500lb bombs. Fuel is up to the C.O. Follow the green path to the target of A66. Level the field. Your escorts will be the 56th Fighter group in their P-47?s and the 880?s squadron in their Spitfires. I supplied a map below with A66.
C.O. 98Delta : straccop@...
X.O. WalksDee : wwalker88@...
b. 56th Fighter Group (P47D11) (7-10 pilots) You are to roll out of A80 and escort the Loose Cannons to their target of A66. You may carry bombs, but your primary goal is to protect the bombers. Fuel and ordnance is up to the C.O.
C.O. Nomde : nomdegure@...
X.O. Yucca : c_gresens@...
c. 880 Squadron (Spit VIII) (7-10 pilots) You are to roll out of A68, rendezvous with and escort the LCA mission heading west along the green line for A66. Conserve fuel as needed. Suggest you roll 5 minutes after the fields are open. As you near A66 I suggest you sweep ahead to A66, but check with the C.O. of your bombers first. Fuel and ordnance loading is at the discretion of your C.O. .
C.O. TrukJr : shawnlavigne@...
X.O. TheBug : thebug@...
3. Defending Forces Launching from A28 (Blue Path)
a. ~USMC~ (P47D11) (11-15 pilots) Follow the blue path to our task group and provide a CAP over the fleet. Suggest 100% fuel with drop tanks. Conserve fuel once over the fleet.
C.O. TracerX : tracerx@...
X.O. Sled : ksseabrd@...
b. FIGHTERS INC. (P47D11) (4-6 pilots) Follow the blue path to our task group and provide a CAP over the fleet. Suggest 100% fuel with drop tanks. Conserve fuel once over the fleet.
C.O. ROBO : raburnes@...
X.O. Chappy : texashogleg@...
c. 65th FS (P47D11) (4-6 pilots) Follow the blue path to our task group and provide a CAP over the fleet. Suggest 100% fuel with drop tanks. Conserve fuel once over the fleet.
C.O. Dace : thowell5@...
X.O. Zigzag : disaacs2@...
4. Defending Forces Launching from A68 ? CAP over V95
a. MAW (P38) (4-6 pilots) Roll from A68 and fly CAP over V95. Suggest drop tanks and 100% fuel. Coordinate with Longdist or Warlover as necessary.
C.O. 38ruk : rukkee@...
X.O. BlkKnit : faughnmaw@...
b. VFS 1000 (P40E) (4-6 pilots) Roll from A68 and fly CAP over V95. Suggest drop tanks and 100% fuel. Coordinate with 38ruk or BlkKnit as necessary.
C.O. Longdist : VFS1000CO@...
X.O. Warlover : hedgesk@...
5. Defending Forces Launching from A68 ? CAP over V95
a. 332nd Flying Mongrels (50% in P-47D11 and 50% in P-38 any) (16-21 pilots) Roll out of A81 and head directly for the city in the 10.12 area. Setup a CAP and conserve fuel as needed. Suggest 100% fuel with drop tanks.
C.O. daddog : jwg11@...
X.O. ghosth : ghosth@...
b. 325th Checkertails (10 pilots max in the P51B the rest in P-38?s) (7-10 pilots) Roll out of A81 and head directly for the city in the 10.12 area. Setup a CAP and conserve fuel as needed. Suggest 100% fuel with drop tanks.
C.O. CUTT : dlpettis@...
X.O. Swoop73 : i.macdonald@...
The following pages are exclusive to the Loose Cannons Mission
1. LCA Members will use Vox 111 and Text 111 during this mission. Chatter will be kept to a minimum while organizing and when in combat area. Please use text messages for personal communications whenever possible.
2. Call out bogies using LOCAL VOX so our escorts will hear you. Be sure to include the clock direction, altitude, number and type of aircraft if known.
1. Fuel: 75% (max cruise setting for this AC is 2100 RPM / 31.4? MP)
2. Ordnance: 8 x 500 pound GP (General Purpose) bombs.
3. Skin: 319TH BG / 334TH BS by Raptor
1. The LCA strike force will be broken into two waves. Alpha Flight will consist of 8 aircraft and will be commanded by CO. Bravo Flight will consist of 7 aircraft and will be commanded by XO. Attack waves will be staggered 40 seconds.
2. Bravo Flight is backup to insure that primary targets are destroyed. If primary targets are destroyed upon second wave?s arrival, secondary wave will attack and destroy their specified targets.
a. Alpha Flight (Primary Wave) 11:05:00 PM EDT
b. Bravo Flight (Secondary Wave) 11:05:40 PM EDT
1. To insure maximum survivability and interlocking defensive fields of fire that provide coverage to vulnerable areas the following flight formations will be employed.
a. Alpha Flight
b. Bravo Flight
1. Launch from A80 NE Runway, use one notch of flaps, set throttle to full and autoclimb. DO NOT use WEP.
2. Turn left after drones have joined and proceed North (0 degrees) to sector 14.13.8.
3. Turn West and proceed along heading 270 degrees, autoclimb and tighten formation. We will be approaching A66 from the west. Stay alert for enemy fighters.
4. Deliver ordnance to A66. Flight to target is expected to be approximately 40 minutes.
5. Following payload delivery, turn left to 110 degrees and begin a shallow descent for landing at A68. It is essential that you land your aircraft safely. If we are being engaged maintain altitude and proceed southeast to A81.
1. Specific targets are assigned below. These assignments are subject to change prior to mission launch. Refer to target illustration at the end of this document when reviewing your target assignments.
2. Bombing altitude will be 11,000 feet AGL.
3. Assignments made before launch or after mission is underway should be acknowledged using text on channel 111.
4. FIRST WAVE (primary), 8 Pilots, 24 Aircraft
a. 96Delta (1) Vehicle Hangar
b. Forker (1) Fighter Hangar 1
c. tedrbr (1) Fighter Hangar 2
d. Bobbyd (1) Fighter Hangar 3
e. ds911 (1) Bomber Hangar 1
f. cthen (1) Bomber Hangar 2
g. Pez (1) Ammo Bunker 1 (2) Radar
h. DAKone (1) Fuel Bunker 1 (2) Fuel Bunker 4
5. SECOND WAVE (secondary), 7 Pilots, 21 Aircraft
a. WalksDee Vehicle Hangar (backup)...if destroyed,
(1) Ammo Bunker 2 (2) Fuel Bunker 3
b. BigPlay Fighter Hangar 1 (backup)...if destroyed,
(1) Fuel Bunker 4
c. Robbie14 Fighter Hangar 2 (backup)...if destroyed,
(1) Fuel Bunker 3
d. mtjoe3 Fighter Hangar 3 (backup)...if destroyed,
(1) Barracks (2) Radar
e. oxman28 Bomber Hangar 1 (backup)...if destroyed,
(1) Fuel Bunker 2
f. DPflyguy Bomber Hangar 2 (backup)...if destroyed,
(1) Fuel Bunker 1
g. croc Radar (backup)...if destroyed,
(1) Fuel Bunker 2
6. If all of your designated targets have been destroyed upon your arrival, you will either be instructed to destroy the AAA battery of your choice or hold your ordnance for a secondary target. That decision will be made in-game based on emergent strategic and tactical needs. Alert the CO if you find all of your targets destroyed when you arrive at the target so new targeting instructions can be provided.
1. Approach to Target (A66)
1. A66 ? Hangar Assets
2. A66 ? Tactical Assets
3. A66 ? AntiAircraft Assets
1. Flight leaders will report damage inflicted on enemy targets to mission commander immediately following bomb impact. This is to make sure that second wave can align and calibrate on any undestroyed targets.
1. Debriefing will be conducted in the LCA forums.
Scores for each frame will be available at:
Understand the keypad location system. In scenarios, accurately describing your position or the position of enemy aircraft is important. Maps are divided up into sectors that are 25 miles on a side. We use the "keypad" location system to specify location within a sector. In this system, each sector is divided up into sections like the 1-9 keys on the keypad of your keyboard, as follows.
For example, the purple "x" is in sector 13,15, at a keypad location 6. In a scenario, you'd say that the purple "x" is in 13,15,6. Furthermore, each keypad location can be further subdivided into a keypad. If you wanted to be even more precise, you could say that the "x" is in 13,15,6,9.
Here is a useful CiC Worksheet by 96Delta.
Here are the above orders in full PDF format.
This next set is from Viper61
From 11 May 07
Quoting Viper. "Unique to this plan was the use of decision support templates. Don?t know if you are familiar with them but they assist a commander with where the enemy will be in space and time. You can look at the B5N and JU-88 templates as examples. In reality these were almost exactly correct in how the battle actually took place. And our squads were able to position themselves to meet the threat.
Also there were several COA?s produced internally as the planning cell went through the planning process towards the final plan.
As I remember the Enemies most dangerous course of action was almost 100% correct overall. Proving that if you can first plan what the enemy is most likely to do or his most dangerous course of action then it becomes very easy as what your plan needs to be to defeat the enemies plan."
FRAME 2, 11 May, 2007
Pacific Pinpricks
Coral Sea 1942
?Warning Order?
1942: Pacific Pinpricks
Frame 02
11 May 2007
Start Frame: 11 pm EST
End Frame: 1 am EST
SITUATION:Allied Forces in 1942 are limited and Naval units are conducting hit and run attacks against key Japanese installations in and around the South Pacific.
ENEMY: AXIS Forces are at full strength and looking to expand into the South Pacific and they are conducting offensive operations in support these objectives.
- B5N2 (no limit; based at A12, A13, and CV, they get second lives, any ordinance)
- D3A1 (no limit; based at A12, A13, and CV)
- JU88s(30 max; based at A12, A13, any ordinance including torpedoes, no formations)
-A6M2 (no limit; based at A12, A13, and CV)
Frame 2 CiC = Kool/Eagle (327th Steel Talons)
FRIENDLY: Combined ALLIED Naval and Land based aircraft will conduct limited offensive operations in
and around the South Pacific to disrupt enemy offensive operations.
ALLIED SQUADS: (e-mails removed)
16-21: 364th C-HAWKS FG
16-21: The Unforgiven
16-21: JG44 Night Hawks
07-10: 325th Checkertails VFG
07-10: 475FG ==**SATANS ANGELS**==
07-10: 613th SOS Pariah
07-10: Clowns of Death
07-10: ~~~ The Killuminati ~~~
04-06: 348th Fighter Group
04-06: 412th Braunco Mustangs
04-06: 94th Aero Sqd/CH
04-06: II/JG11 Reichsverte
04-06: Isle of Misfit Toys
04-06: Raw Prawns
04-06: VFS 1000 Cyberhawks
NOTE: 111 Min / 161 Max - Each squad can go over or under min/max by 2.
MISSION: Combined ALLIED forces will conduct limited offensive operations against
the following AXIS targets:
A12 (All structures at field valid targets. The town is not a valid target)
A13 (All structures at field valid targets. The town is not a valid target)
C4 (1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs) in sectors 9,14 or 9,13 or 10,13 or 10,14
Combined ALLIED forces will defend the following friendly installations:
C3 (1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs) place somewhere in 7,11 or 7,10 or 8,11 or 8,10).
A14 (All structures at field valid targets. The town is not a valid target)
A10 (All structures at field valid targets. The town is not a valid target)
F4F-4 - no min requirement, no max limit (no restriction on ordinance)
SBD - no min requirement, no max limit (no restriction on ordinance)
TBM - no min requirement, no max limit (only can carry torpedoes)
P40B - no min requirement, no max limit
P40E - no min requirement, 16 max limit (no restriction on ordinance)
Boston III - no min requirement, 30 max limit (no formations)

? All Squadron commanders please review the Task Organization and respond to me
via e-mail as to where you would like your squads placed. Ensure that you state your
Squad, Plane choice, Preferred element of choice.
? Also if you would like to take charge and lead a element of the Task Organization let
me know as well.
?My Operations Order will provide you with mission, guidance and resources. I will
allow the Element leaders flexibility to complete their assigned tasked.
Viper 61 ALLIED CIC Frame 02
Victory Conditions
5 pts = Single or dual Engine AC with 1 crew
10 pts = Single or double engine AC with 2 crew
15 pts = Double Engine AC with 3+ crew
20 pts = large quad engine AC with 3+ crew
0.062 = Gun
0.062 = Mannable Gun
3.125 = Ammo Bunker
3.125 = Fuel Bunker
3.125 = Barracks
3.125 = Radar
3.125 = Docks at a Port
3.125 = Ship in a dock at the port
27.812 = Vehicle Hangar
27.812 = Fighter Hangar
27.812 = Bomber Hangar
3.125 = Town Building
3.125 = Factory at strategic target
50.000 = DD
50.000 = CA
200.000 = CV
Arena Settings
- Coral Sea terrain
- Fuel 1.25
- Icons short
- .5 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 52,000 (about 10 miles)
- Tower range set to 52,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Clouds / visibility
Frame 1, 22 miles
Frame 2, 11 miles
Frame 3, 9 miles
- Radar off
- Friendly collisions off
- Enemy collisions on
- Kill shooter off
- Calm winds
- Time: 11 AM
? TBMs can only load out with torpedoes.
? Only up to 16 P40Es may be flown.
? Only a max of 30 JU88s may be flown (no
? Only a max of 30 Boston IIIs can be flown (no
? All ordinance available to each plane type
except where noted for the TBM.
? B5N2s get second lives.
? Must attack a base/task force in each of the
three target areas by T+60
? Boston IIIs and JU88s may not fly in
Min / Max rule for deploying aircraft is in use. The
rule says can only split a squad 50 / 50 among
different aircraft is not in use.
? Must attack a base/task force in each of the
three target areas by T+
The above information was 'just' the warning orders. Below are the actual detailed orders that followed a day later.
FRAME 2, 11 May, 2007
Pacific Pinpricks
Coral Sea 1942
Operations Order
?Rumble Over the Jungle?
1942: Pacific Pinpricks
Frame 02
11 May 2007
Start Frame: 11 pm EST
End Frame: 1 am EST
Enemy Situation
SITUATION: Allied Forces in 1942 are limited and Naval units are conducting hit and run attacks against key Japanese
installations in and around the South Pacific.
ENEMY: AXIS Forces are at full strength and looking to expand into the South Pacific and they are conducting offensive operations in support these objectives.
- B5N2 (no limit; based at A12, A13, and CV, they get second lives, any ordinance)
- D3A1 (no limit; based at A12, A13, and CV)
- JU88s(30 max; based at A12, A13, any ordinance including torpedoes, no formations)
-A6M2 (no limit; based at A12, A13, and CV)
Frame 2 CiC = Kool/Eagle (327th Steel Talons)
Enemy Forces are expected to number 100 personnel.
Enemy Most likely course of action: (SEE Enemy Most Likely Course of Action Graphic). Enemy forces will attack all three ALLIED bases.
A 10 Sector: Attacking force (zero?s) will originate from A 12. Bombers are expected to attack from A 13. Attacks at A 10 are expected within the first 10 minutes of the frame. Enemy will conduct quick raid in attempts to catch slow climbing P-40s or Boston III?s during climb out and force a turn fight at low altitude. Enemy forces will attempt to maintain control of the airspace in and around A10 there by denying this base for landing operations or follow on strikes. Expect high level bombing attacks of A 10 at H+30 and through out end of frame. Expect an AXIS maximum effort in this area as many as 40 zero?s at one time. Expect bombers to number 10 of either B5N?s or JU-88?s. After H+60 I expect defending forces in and around A 12 and A 13 to be pushed south to A10 to continue the attack. Also
expect all second life B5N pilots to take zero?s for second life from A 12 or A 13 and attack south to A 10. During the course of the frame I expect the AXIS forces will utilize as much as 60% of their forces (including second lives) to control the airspace above A 10.
CV-3 Sector: Attacks will originate from CV-4. Attacks at CV-3 will start with initial scouting of area at H+15. Expect scouts to operate at low to mid level altitudes. Rationale ALLIED defenders are not likely to come down after one plane, Zero?s operate best at mid to lower alt?s, visibility is best in this range to spot CV. Expect main effort attack to CV-3 at H+30 to H+60. High level bombers are expected to conduct both high level bombing and dive bombing attacks to divide the CV-3 defense force. Expect escorts to cap CV-3 starting up to 15 minutes prior to main effort attack. Zero?s will attempt to pull ALLIED defenders low and away from high level bomber attack path. Expect zero?s to
number 20 and B5N?s to number 10.
A 14 Sector: Attacks will originate from A 13. Attacks at A 14 will be conducted by unescorted JU-88?s flying very fast and at high altitudes 25K or best altitude. Bomb loads may be light to compensate for better altitude climb. Expect attack at A 14 at H+45 to H+60. Attacks will be conducted from off angle most likely from due north. Enemy is most likely to follow major grid lines for navigation and attack routes. After attack expect enemy forces to move directly back to A 13 most direct route. Enemy may use several small squads in up to three flights with separation in the hopes of getting at least two squads over the target undetected. Expect JU-88?s to number 20.
Late frame attacks: A 10 is expected to be under continuous attack until completely destroyed or end of frame. Once destroyed attention will turn to CV-3 and the task Group. CV-3 if it survives the initial attack will be attacked again late frame. Attacks may originate from any base within reach. A 14 is not expected to have any follow on attacks due to range.
CIC NOTE: My assessment of the enemies most likely course of action is based on planning their mission completely. This assessment is an estimate of what I would do if I were the enemy commander. It is also the most dangerous action for us the ALLIES. Squad CO?s are expected to use this assessment as a guide and position and lead their forces accordingly. The following ALLIED plan is designed to defeat the enemies most likely course of action listed above.

Combined ALLIED Naval and Land based aircraft will conduct limited offensive operations in and around the South Pacific to disrupt enemy offensive operations.
16-21: 364th C-HAWKS FG (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)16-21: The Unforgiven (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
16-21: JG44 Night Hawks (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
07-10: 325th Checkertails VFG (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
07-10: 475FG ==**SATANS ANGELS**== (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
07-10: 613th SOS Pariah (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
07-10: Clowns of Death (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
07-10: ~~~ The Killuminati ~~~ (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
04-06: 348th Fighter Group (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
04-06: 412th Braunco Mustangs (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
04-06: 94th Aero Sqd/CH (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
04-06: II/JG11 Reichsverte (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
04-06: Isle of Misfit Toys (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
04-06: Raw Prawns (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
04-06: VFS 1000 Cyberhawks (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
NOTE: 111 Min / 161 Max - Each squad can go over or under min/max by 2.
CO?s: Ensure your personnel are in uniform and ready prior to start of frame. If your squad
is over strength announce this and move your personnel to squads that are short. Priority
will be given to the defense of A 10 squads first. Unforgiven, 364th and 412th.
SBD - no min requirement, no max limit (no restriction on ordinance)
TBM - Not used this frame
P40B - no min requirement, no max limit
P40E - no min requirement, 16 max limit (no restriction on ordinance)
Boston III - no min requirement, 30 max limit (no formations)
F-4?s - 100% fuel and drop tanks, 90 minutes of flight time and range of 300miles at sea level.
SBD?s - 100% fuel, 1 X 1000 lb bomb, 95 minutes of flight time and range of
350 miles at sea level.
P-40E?s - 100% fuel and drop tank, 93 minutes of flight time and range of 375
miles at sea level.
P-40B?s ? 100% fuel, 67 minutes of flight time and range of 250 miles at sea
BOSTON III?s - 100% fuel, 4 X 500 lb bombs, 55 minutes of flight time and
range of 240 miles at sea level.
? With all ALLIED AC we will have issues with fuel, range and flight time. When
every possible CO?s have your personnel throttle back even just a bit off of full
throttle and max RPM and this can add many minutes of flight time without
significant loss of air speed.
? ALL ALLIED FIGHTERS are great diving and attack AC but they all are very
poor turn fighters. CO?s stress to your personnel the importance of the B and Z
during your engagements. If you start turn fighting with a zero you will in most
case's lose and most likely drag another squady to his death in an attempt to
save your mistake.
? Gun Packages: We have good gun packages and fair amounts of ammo. Set
converges to 300 in most cases. CO?s and pilots discretion of course.
? Armor: The ALLIED AC?s have good armor protection and will allow you a few
minor mistakes in a fight. Don?t waste your mistakes.
Combined ALLIED forces will conduct limited offensive operations against the following AXIS targets:
A13 (All structures at field valid targets. The town is not a valid target)
C4 (1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs) in sectors 9,14 or 9,13 or 10,13 or 10,14
Combined ALLIED forces will defend the following friendly installations:
C3 (1 CV, 1 CA, 4 DDs) place somewhere in 7,11 or 7,10 or 8,11 or 8,10).
A14 (All structures at field valid targets. The town is not a valid target)
A10 (All structures at field valid targets. The town is not a valid target)
All ALLIED squads will be prepared for limited Ad Hoc strikes late frame. Targets and
force packages to be decided at approximately H+70. Commands will be issued via
command and country channels.
My intent to win this Frame is to do it by kill?s and points. I have allocated a force structure to each objective that should provide the Element Leader with the resources necessary to accomplish his tasks. I fully expect all of our targets to sustain damage and some heavy. But I expect to accomplish the same to the AXIS targets. I expect to win because we have the better pilots and Aircraft and in the end we will down more aircraft than they will.
General: A10 is the key to winning this frame. If we lose control of the A10 airspace then we will most likely lose the frame. A10 provides the only land based runway in the west. It also protects the ALLIED CV?s left flank. The lose of A10 airspace will also mean the lose of the CV as well. The lose of the A10 airspace also means nowhere for our land based AC to return and rearm. This would mean the lose of many ALLIED
aircraft to ditching. We must hold and control the A10 airspace to win. Scheme of Maneuver: At H-Hour all squads are to depart as quickly as they can from there assigned airfields. This is extremely important for all Aircraft departing A10 as I expect a quick AXIS raid by at H+10.
Our forces will be divided into 5 groups:
? A10 Defense
? CV 3 Defense
? A14 Defense
? A12/ A13 Strike Package
? CV 4 Strike Package
All elements will be under the local control of a ?Element Leader?. See task Organization.
Routes: See ALLIED Graphics. Locate your squad and or element.
A 10 Defense: Located Vic. 5, 12, 6
A 10 Defense Element Leader: ?Unforgiven? CO other representative
SQUADS: Unforgiven, 364th and 412th. End strength 26 to 46 personnel
Mission: Depart A 10. Defend A 10 airspace from expected attack vic. A 12 / A 13 (See
Enemy Most likely Course of Action). Mount ?aggressive? defense strategy in which you seek
to engage enemy aircraft before A 10 is attacked. Your main task is to control the A 10
airspace continuously throughout the frame. Damage to A 10 (even if heavy) is acceptable
provided control of the airspace is maintained. Follow on missions will be staffing of A 12 and
A 13 late frame after bomber strikes.
Aircraft: All P-40B?s, Fuel load CO?s discretion.
Recommendations / Guidance: Use scouts whenever possible to provide advance notice
and disrupt incoming attacks. Whenever possible push out from A10 itself to mount a
defense as close to the enemy airfields as possible. I expect a heavy AXIS attack to hit A 10
early on. Be prepared and don?t be caught low and slow in climb out. Climb out on a
southerly route and only return over sector once you have the altitude. Mass your forces and
fight in as large a group as is possible and destroy the enemy formations one at a time.
Once main attacks at A 10 are over begin moving your forces north and north east in mass to
cap A 12 and deny this base to the AXIS forces. Strafing of A 12 and A 13 is authorized after
CV-3 Defense: Located vic. Grid?s 7,10 / 7, 11 / 8, 10 / 8, 11
CV-3 Defense Element Leader: ?348th? CO or other representative.
SQUADS: 348th, JG-11, Clowns of Death. End Strength 12 to 18 personnel
Mission: Depart CV-3. Defend CV-3 from expected AXIS attack vic. CV-4 location unknown
vic. (9,13 / 9,14 / 10, 13 / 10, 14 (See Enemy Most Likely Course of Action). If CV-3 is lost
discontinue defense of Task Group and move to A 10 and assist in defense. 348th CO is in
control of CV 3. Move the CV at your discretion to avoid attacks. After launch of all aircraft
move CV generally south west to corner vic. of 7,10,1
Aircraft: All F-4?s, Fuel load at CO discretion.
Recommendations / Guidance: Use scouts to provide advance notice of incoming attack.
Good locations for scouts are the small islands located vic 8,12 and 9,12. In past frames
these small islands serve as navigation points and link up points. Avoid contact with the
Zero?s and concentrate on the B5N?s and D3A?s. The zero?s lack the ordnance to do any
critical damage to CV-3. I expect CV -3 to take heavy damage or be sunk, use your AC to
down enemy AC to even the points (SEE ADMIN for AC point values). The enemy scouts will
be critical to the AXIS attack. Kill the scouts as quickly as you can find them. Mount your
defense away from the CV so as to further confuse the AXIS as to its location. Ensure CV is
not turning during recovery operations.
A 14 Defense: Located vic: 13,12,6
A 14 Defense Element Leader: ?475th? CO or other representative
SQUADS: 475th, 613th, VFS 1000. End strength 18 to 26 personnel
Mission: Depart A 14. Defend A 14 from expected high altitude attack by unescorted JU-88?s
H+30 to H+60 (See Enemy Most likely Course of Action). Mount ?aggressive? defense strategy in
which to seek to engage enemy aircraft before A 14 is attacked. Your main task is locate the
enemy strike package as quickly as is possible. Damage to A 14 (even if heavy) is acceptable
provided an equal amount of enemy AC can be destroyed to balance point value?s. Defend A 14
until end of frame.
Aircraft: 475th: P-40E?s. Fuel load at CO?s discretion
VFS 1000: P-40E?s. Fuel load at CO?s discretion
613th ; P-40B?s. Fuel load at CO?s discretion.
NOTE: P-40E maximum is 16 AC. 475th has priority on P-40E?s to fill squad. VFS 1000
was second priority to fill out squad. Coordinate squad numbers in the tower prior to launch. If
extra P-40E?s are utilized it will mean a penalty of 100 points per unauthorized AC. Make sure to
count twice.
Recommendations / Guidance: Your use of scouts will be pivotal to your success. Use VFS
1000 as scouts with drop tanks. (SEE Enemy Most likely Course of Action) for projected AXIS
flight routes. Be careful attacking JU-88?s and only hit them from the flanks or head on. Aim for
the engines and slow them down. Bomber formations are disabled. These AC will be a long way
from a friendly base, even light damage can destroy a aircraft on its way home. If squads cannot
engage before the attack, position them to attack during the enemies exfilltration from A 14. CO is
only authorized to push defensive forces toward A 13 or CV 4 after H+60. Do so only if you are
sure the attacks at A 14 are over.
A 12 / A 13 Strike Package: A 12 located vic. 6,13,7 and A 13 located vic. 8,14,1
A 12 / A 13 Strike Package Element Leader: ?325th? CO or other representative
Squads: 325th and Killuminati. End strength 14 to 20 personnel.
Mission: Depart A 10. Follow flight path and attack A 12 and A 13 using high level bombing.
Targets are All Hangers (Fighter, Bomber and Vehicle). You must attack your last target by H+60.
Return to A 10. Tower AC no follow on mission?s.
Aircraft: Boston III?s, 4 X 500 lb bombs, 100% fuel
Recommendations / Guidance: Fly in one large group. Fly at or above 25K. Use full power until
second target is attacked and then throttle back to conserve fuel to RTB, you do not have enough
fuel to run at full power through the entire run. Coordinate which AC will attack which targets.
Your AC?s have 4 bombs each. Have each AC drop 2 X 500 lb bombs on target 1 and then 2 X
500 lb bombs on target 2. This will keep all AC traveling at the same speed. You will have no
escorts, you must get high and over the defenders. Climb out to 25K will take 100 miles to
accomplish. AC Range increases as altitude increases. Flight route utilizes best off Axis approach
CV-4 Strike Package: Exact location unknown but located within grid squares 9,13 / 9,14
/ 10,13 / 10,14
CV-4 Strike Package Element Leader: ?JG-44? CO or other representative
Squads: JG-44, 94th, Raw Prawn?s and Isle of misfit Toys. End strength 28 to 38
Mission: Depart CV-3. Follow flight path to vic CV-4. Locate and attack CV-4 by H+60.
Main target is CV-4 (200 points) with all bombs to placed on CV-4. If sunk, secondary
target is CA (50 points). Destroyers (50 points each) are not to be attacked. No strafing of
targets is authorized. Return to CV-3. Fighter AC will defend CV-3 until end of frame. If
CV-3 is sunk move to A 10 and defend until end of frame. SBD?s will land and tower AC no
follow on missions.
Aircraft: JG-44: F4?s, fuel load at CO?s discretion.
Raw Prawns: F-4?s, fuel load out at CO?s discretion.
94th: SBD?s, 1 X 1000 lb bomb, no wing bombs, fuel load at CO?s discretion.
Isle of misfit toys: SBD?s, 1 X 1000 lb bomb, no wing bombs, fuel load at CO?s
Recommendations / Guidance: I RECOMMEND ALL AC TAKE 100% FUEL and DROP
TANKS WHERE POSSIBLE. If CV-3 is sunk you will have a long, long way to go to land
your AC. Like AC will need to match loads and fuel to climb out together and stay in
formation. If SBD?s squads fail to show in appropriate strength to sink CV and or CA by
bomb lbs needed, I recommend Raw Prawns be converted from F-4?s to SBD?s, JG-44 CO
your call. Your flight path takes you straight to enemy sector, rationale is to try to meet the
enemy strike package coming the other direction. If so JG-44 is to attack the formation
with priority on bombers. Radio position to CV-3 defenders. SBD?s would then continue to
target with limited or without escort.
FRAME CIC: Viper 61 325th VFG. Will be located vic South A 10 at high altitude in F-4.
With main communications through Channel 150 and Country Text.Channels: 150: CO text
Country Channel: Enemy reporting
Stay off of the country channel after the frame starts unless you are reporting information. If you need to talk to your buddy about his pet ?sheep? then do so on private text. Keep the country channel free for reporting information. Squad CO?s please assist with this as you can.
Squads are encouraged to load up missions in the tower using the mission planning feature. This is a good command and control devise especially when multi-squads are working together if nothing more than for the routing information.
Keep it brief and include the following: AC type, location, numbers, altitude, direction. If you are engaged talk to a squadie on your channel that is not engaged and have him type it in to the buffer. REPORT BEFORE YOU ENGAGE. If you don?t we can?t help you. Send BDA (Bomb Damage Assessments) on targets after strike.
Join a bomber as a gunner. There are Boston's and SBD?s that could use the help. Type your request into the buffer. Reporting enemy activity is vital. Move from field to field when it flash?s and type what you see that can be a big help. Join another squadies ride even if it is a fighter. Another set of eyes in the cockpit is always good. But don?t touch the ?control?s?.
MAPS COA 1, 2, & 3