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Under the Midnight Sun


Stretching from Leningrad to the port city of Murmansk on the Arctic Ocean, the Kirov Railway was the most vital lifeline for Allied aid going to the Soviets. Beginning in August 1941, convoys originating in Iceland and Scotland delivered cargo of food, ammunition, raw materials, tanks and most critically, Hurricane and P-40 fighters. Many of these planes were put to use in squadrons defending the Kirov Railway from Axis raiders, allowing vital aid to pass safely along the route near the front line with Finland. With over a half a dozen convoys arriving in Murmansk before May 1942, the Luftwaffe was tasked with applying more pressure on the Soviet transport network.  

This FSO will recreate the battles over northern Russia and Finland in the summer of 1942 as the Axis attacks targets along the Kirov Railway.


Side Split: Allies 50% / Axis 50%

Soviet Air Force


Hour 1 Aircraft

P-40C / P-40E

Min 5 - Max 12

Bf 109F-4

Max 16


Min 5 - Max 12

Bf 109E-4

No Min/Max

Hurricane Mk.IIB(12 .303’s)

Min 10

Bf 110C (Jabo)

Min 6


Ju 88A-4

Min 6

Hour 2 Aircraft

Hurricane Mk.IIB(12 .303’s)

Bf 109E-4


Bf 110C

I-16 (4x 7.6mm ShKAS)

Ju 87D


Brewster B-239

Ordnance Restrictions:

20mm cannons disabled on the Hurricane Mk.II to represent a Hurricane Mk.IIB

37mm cannon disabled on the P-39D to represent a P-400.

1800Kg bombs disabled on the Ju 87.

250Kg bomb disabled on the Bf 109E

I-16 limited to the 4x 7.6mm ShKAS loadout to represent an I-153.

Event Rules and Clarifications:

-Alt Cap is 16K for fighters, 12K for all bomb carrying aircraft.

-Bf 110C must take bombs in Hour 1 with the intent to be used in the ground attack role.

-CiC’s satisfy the requirement for aircraft with minimums by assigning squads whose combined minimum commitment level meets or exceeds the aircraft minimum.

-The P-40C and P-40E count as the same plane in Hour 1. Any combination of the types is valid until the maximum(12) is reached. Extra pilots in those squads must take Hurricane Mk.IIB’s. 

-Two Hour 1 attack objectives will be assigned each frame. All Ju 88’s must attack one target and all Bf 110C’s the other. The CiC will decide which target is attacked by which plane type. The CiC must also assign at least 10 total aircraft (Fighters and Attackers) to each objective to satisfy a credible force.

-Credible defense force must be at least 10 fighters assigned to each target. Other fighters may be assigned a more flexible role.

-Both Hour 1 target areas must be bombed before T+60

-Stukas and I-16’s become available at T+30. The remainder of the Hour 2 aircraft become available at T+60.

-Stukas and I-16’s are worth Hour 2 values (1 point each), even before T+60.

-Stukas only score Hour 2 values on ground targets, even before T+60.

-Flying off the map is forbidden.

-Any non-target object that is destroyed will be restored at the earliest convenience by a CM. 

-Scoring values will be reduced in Hour 2 to compensate for an increased sortie rate. Aircraft on their first sortie will always score full points against enemy aircraft even after the second hour begins. A player's first sortie ends once they rearm, land, or are shot down. This is to prevent a situation where a last minute strike in Hour 1 can award full bombing points while only risking 1/4 points for a death on the way home.  


Single Engine Aircraft

4 (1 in Hour 2)

Twin Engine Aircraft

8 (2 in Hour 2)


24 (6 in Hour 2) 

Bunkers (Barracks, Ord, Fuel, Radar), 

6(1 in Hour 2)

Arena Settings 

- Terrain: Finland

- Fuel Burn: 1.0 

- Icons: 3K Friendly/Enemy for aircraft.

- Ack: .3

- Fighter and Bomber warning range: 63360 (about 12 miles)

- Tower range set to 63360 (for display only to match the above setting)

- Haze/Fog: 15 miles

- Radar: Off

- Enemy collisions: on

- Friendly collisions: off

- Killshooter: off

- Time: 1100 (11AM) Game Clock

- Clouds: light5k

- Wind: 0K-2K NO WIND

2K-12K: NE TO SW - Speed 5

12K-16K: NE TO SW  - Speed 10

16K+: 45MPH downdraft

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