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Into the Reich: Germany 1945

Into the Reich: Germany 1945

shes a honey 1 charles taylor

In the late winter and early spring of 1945, the Allies ramped up their strategic bombing of the Third Reich. Nearly every day, massive raids were conducted on facilities in Germany to cripple the Nazi war machine. Germany was low on many resources, none more important than fuel and oil. 

This event will recreate a few of those raids over Germany in February and March of 1945.

Allies: 52% / Axis 48%

Order of Battle:





Bf 109K-4




FW 190A-8

 B-17  MIN 10

FW 190D-9



Me 262 (Frames 2 and 3*)

TOTAL of 2*

Me 262 Rules:

Allies will be bombing a fuel refinery in Frame 1. If the objective is 33% destroyed (53 objects) or more, the Luftwaffe will not have the resources needed to field Me 262s in Frames 2 and 3.

If Me 262s are enabled in Frame 2, the Luftwaffe will receive 2 for the entirety of the event. If the Me 262 is not landed successfully at the same field it launched from, it will be counted as lost for the entire event. 

Loadout Restrictions:

No ordnance may be taken by any fighter.
Bomber Alt Cap is 24K.
Fighter Alt Cap is 30K.
Hour 1 Targets will not be scored after T+60.
Sscoring will be halved in Hour 2.


Fighters - 1
Bombers - 2
Factory Building - 0.25 


Arena Settings:

- Terrain: germany
- Fuel Burn: 1.0
- Icons: 3K Friendly/Enemy
- Ack: .3
- Fighter and Bomber warning range: 105600 (20 miles)
- Tower range set to 105600 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Haze/Fog: 15 miles
- Radar: Off
- Enemy collisions: on
- Friendly collisions: off
- Killshooter: off
- Time: 0800 (8AM) Game Clock
- Formations: Off
- Formation Autopilot: On
- Bomber calibration: Automatic
- Wind: 0K-2K NO WIND
2K-16K: E TO W - Speed 5
16K-30K: SE to NW - Speed 10
30K+: 45MPH downdraft


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