January SatKOTH Results
SatKOTH lasted about 3 hours and we had 8 rounds. Roughly 35+ people participated and we had 3 Wabbits in total. Congratulations to TonyJoey for the win!! He choose the F6F-5 for February's first ride.
Round wins:
1. TonyJoey in a N1K2-J
2. Nox in a P51B
3. BatfinkV in a F4U-1D
4. BatfinkV in a Spitfire Mk I (Wabbit)
5. Grizz in a BF110G-2
6. Grizz in a BF109G-6 (Wabbit)
7. TonyJoey in a BF109G-6 (Wabbit)
8. Tonyjoey wins in a D3A (Winner)
Tournament Of Champions invitations will be reserved for:
KOTH: TonyJoey
Wabbits: BatfinkV, Grizz
Top 5 killers:
ToNYJoEY : 20
Grizz : 17
batfinkv : 16
TC : 10
Nox : 8
2009 Winners and Wabbits
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January FriKOTH was pretty routine lasting 1 1/4 hours with around a dozen people. We had a single wabbit going for the win in round six.
Congratulations and <S> to Tonyjoey for the win. Tonyjoey chose the P-51B for February's first crate.
Round by round results:
1] SunsFan in a P-47D-11
2] Plink in a Bf 109K-4
3] Tonyjoey in a Bf 110G-2
4] Tonyjoey in a P-51B (Wabbit)
5] Serenity in a F6F-5
6] Tonyjoey wins in a Me163
Tournament Of Champions invitations will be reserved for:
KOTH: Tonyjoey
Top five killers were: Tonyjoey 14, Plink 7, SunsFan 5, Serenity 4, Dodger 3.
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