Tournament of Champions
King Of The Hill
2015 Tournament Of Champions
The Tournament Of Champions is the last fight of the year between KOTH's best
competitors. To get an invitation you must have won a KOTH or have been a wabbit this year. The winner
of the TOC will earn an automatic
invitation to the next TOC.The following people received invitations to the 2015
TOC and the means in which they earned it.
TOC Winner: Violator
The invitation list is:
Achilles, Afflux, Boxman, Bruv119, Carver, Cheech, Geaux, GEICO, GhostCDB, GlzzUhu, JunkyII, Killbot, Kruel, Krupnski, Joachim, Makayla Pervert, Ryyks, Skyyr, TC, Tinydncr, Trogdor, Violator, Xoas, Yarbles, YUCCA
Achilles, Afflux, Boxman, Bruv119, Carver, Cheech, Geaux, GEICO, GhostCDB, GlzzUhu, JunkyII, Killbot, Kruel, Krupnski, Joachim, Makayla Pervert, Ryyks, Skyyr, TC, Tinydncr, Trogdor, Violator, Xoas, Yarbles, YUCCA
December KOTH 1:Â Cheech
December KOTH 2:Â YUCCA
Wabbit: Trogdor
November KOTH1:Â Yarbles
Wabbits: Makayla, Boxman, Geaux and Cheech
November KOTH2: Makayla
Wabbits: TC and Violator
October KOTH1: Yarbles
Wabbits: GlzzUhu, TC, and Tinydncr
October KOTH2: Bruv119
No Wabbits
September KOTH: YUCCA
Wabbit:Â ryyks
August KOTH: KillBot
Wabbit: Carver
July KOTH: Violator
Wabbit: HOtard
June KOTH: Skyyr
No Wabbits:Â
May KOTH: Achilles
Wabbit: Â Kruel
April KOTH: JunkyII
Wabbits: GEICO, Afflux and Pervert
March KOTH:Â Xoas
Wabbit:Â Afflux
February KOTH: GEICO
Wabbits: Â TC, GhostCDB
January KOTH:Â Krupnski
Wabbit: Joach1m