Clash at Kursk

The spring thaw had turned the steppe into impassible mud and German High Command drafted a plan to strike back into the salient and recapture Kursk using a pincer movement from the North and South. Initially planned for early May, the plan was postponed several times through June and finally was launched on July 5th.
After a fierce Soviet barrage from over 600 guns and mortars the German 4th Panzer Army attacked from the South with some of the newest German tanks like the Panther, Tiger and Ferdinand. The resistance was stiff and the Southern attack stalled on the 10 of July barely covering 20 miles. In the North 9th Army fared even worse and Soviet resistance blunted the German attack near Ponyri Station, only penetrating 8 miles. The Germans were pushing but the width and depth of their attacks were growing smaller every day.
That evening the US and British Allies would land in Sicily and Hitler wanted to temporarily halt the Citadel operation but Von Manstein managed to dissuade him for a few more days. On the 12th of July Hoth's 4th Panzer Army used one final and desperate attack to smash the Soviet defenses near Prokhorovka. What ensued was one of the most pivotal battles of the Great Patriotic War, which was also the turning point in the battle of Kursk. On the 16th of July the Germans began to withdraw back to Citadels starting positions and by August 3rd the Soviets had recovered all ground lost to the Germans. The 6th of August saw Belgorod retaken and Kharkov was liberated on August 23rd.
The Soviets had achieved a remarkable success but at a heavy price. For the first time they managed to stop the German Blitzkrieg before they could achieve success. Germany and her allies would be on the defensive in the East from now on. This FSO will attempt to recreate the fierce clashes at Kursk between the Luftwaffe and the VVS in July 1943.

- Formations are enabled but not required.
- Pilots may refuel and rearm at any friendly field.
- Black Sea terrain
- Icon Range - Friendly 3k, Enemy 3k.
- No Radar