A CLASH OF TITANS-The Battle over Munich 1944
 In late April, early May of 1944 RAF bomber command received intel on Germany tooling up for production of their Dornier DO335. This aircraft could not be allowed in the air in great numbers.  Along with this information, they were informed of Jumo increasing capacity for their engine manufacturing, which would enable more ME262’s. The RAF handed this intelligence off to the Mighty 8th Army Air Force Bomber Command. They collaborated with the 9th Air Force, to put a combined effort of over 700 aircraft in the air for this mission. So important was the success of this mission, that P-51B, P-38J, and P-47D were pulled together to escort the bombers. The bomber force consisted of 8th and 9th B-17 Flying Fortresses, and B-24 Liberators. Nothing was being held back.
 On April 24, 1944 the 8th AF directed all three Bomb Divisions to attack a.) the Munich area airfields and manufacturing targets, b.) the Friedrichshafen area airfields and, c.) the Gablingen/Leipheim airfields. The Eighth would put up 716 bomber 'effectives' with the largest force comprised of 268 B-17s in 1st TF attacking Erding, Landsberg and Oberpfaffenhofen. The Oberphaffenhofen target was the Dornier complex currently tooling up for the Do335. The Landsberg attack was not only against the Me262s reputed to be on the base but also at the manufacturing facility for the Jumo turbine blades.
 The Eighth Fighter Command, combined with P-47s and P-51s from 9th AF and RAF Mustangs and Spitfires, put over 800 fighter aircraft in the air to support this broad attack against German aircraft industry. The LuftFlotte Reich defending force this day, was comprised of JG1, JG3, JG5, JG11, JG27, JG53, JG106, I./JG301, III./ZG26 and II./ZG76 plus a temporary placement of III./JG26 from LuftFlotte 3. In total there were more than 275 single engine and 40 twin engine fighters which were directed to attack the 8th Air Force along the southern Germany/Swiss border from Stuttgart/Worms through Ulm and Augsburg and Munich.
 The Eighth Fighter Command, combined with P-47s and P-51s from 9th AF and RAF Mustangs and Spitfires, put over 800 fighter aircraft in the air to support this broad attack against German aircraft industry. The LuftFlotte Reich defending force this day, was comprised of JG1, JG3, JG5, JG11, JG27, JG53, JG106, I./JG301, III./ZG26 and II./ZG76 plus a temporary placement of III./JG26 from LuftFlotte 3. In total there were more than 275 single engine and 40 twin engine fighters which were directed to attack the 8th Air Force along the southern Germany/Swiss border from Stuttgart/Worms through Ulm and Augsburg and Munich.
 Approximately 33 Staffels of day fighters was put in the air to engage the 8th AF. The German fighter force in the Munich area was predominantly Bf 109G-6’s with a few Bf 109G-6/U4’s and Bf 109G-5’s. In addition Sturmstaffel I, a new experimental bomber attack force, comprised of heavily armed and armored FW 190 A-7’s, plus approximately 25 Bf 110 G-2’s from III./ZG26 and 12 Me410A-1’s from II./ZG76 were directed to the Munich area.
 This would be the last time the Western Front Luftwaffe units had the ability to concentrate its fighter force on purely stopping Allied heavy bomber raids. Soon it would be bleeding off its fighter forces in the skies above Normandy.
Side split:
Allied 55 %
Axis 45 %
Allied: Bishop
B-24J (20 formations min)
B-17G (20 formations min)
P-47D-11 (30 min)
P-38J (30 min)
P-51BÂ Â (36 max)
Axis: Rook
Bf 109G-6
Bf 109G-14 (Max 24)
Fw 190A-8 (Max  36)
Bf 110G-2
Me 410A-1 (Min 20-Max 36)
Special Rules:
B-24J (20 formations min)
B-17G (20 formations min)
P-47D-11 (30 min)
P-38J (30 min)
P-51BÂ Â (36 max)
Axis: Rook
Bf 109G-6
Bf 109G-14 (Max 24)
Fw 190A-8 (Max  36)
Bf 110G-2
Me 410A-1 (Min 20-Max 36)
Special Rules:
* Luftwaffe no fly west of the 8 grid(red line) till T+60. No fly then moves to the 7 line(marked with yellow).  Any Luftwaffe aircraft in the no fly zone will result in 100pt penalty per aircraft.
*Allied aircraft may not leave no fly zone once entered after T+60. Hiding in no fly zone in this manner will result in 100pt penalty per aircraft. Once in the no fly zone they are expected to RTB.
*Allied bombers will have a 23,000 alt cap.
*No bombs or rockets are enabled for Allied fighters.
*Any aircraft airborne after T+120  will score as a loss.
*All aircraft will use air starts in this setup. Any friendly airbase can be used for safe landing, and/or refuel-rearm.
*All aircraft will use air starts in this setup. Any friendly airbase can be used for safe landing, and/or refuel-rearm.

All fighter aircraft = 5 pts
B-24's and B-17's = 20 pts  for each destroyed
All other base structures gun positions and strat buildings 2 pts each
Vehicle Hangar = 25 pts
Fighter Hangar = 25 pts
Bomber Hangar = 25 pts
Safe landing bonus 5 points per plane.
Arena Settings:
- Germany Terrain
- Fuel burn 1.0
- Icons (3k)
- 0.3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 105,600 (20 miles)
- Tower range set to 105,600
- Haze/fog /full visibility (17 Miles) with scattered clouds
- Radar Dot Tower Only. AC will be off radar below 200'.
- Enemy Collisions On
B-24's and B-17's = 20 pts  for each destroyed
All other base structures gun positions and strat buildings 2 pts each
Vehicle Hangar = 25 pts
Fighter Hangar = 25 pts
Bomber Hangar = 25 pts
Safe landing bonus 5 points per plane.
Arena Settings:
- Germany Terrain
- Fuel burn 1.0
- Icons (3k)
- 0.3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 105,600 (20 miles)
- Tower range set to 105,600
- Haze/fog /full visibility (17 Miles) with scattered clouds
- Radar Dot Tower Only. AC will be off radar below 200'.
- Enemy Collisions On
- Friendly Collisions Off
- Killshooter Off
- Formations On
- Time: 10:00 AM
- Air Starts at 20K
- Air Starts at 20K
- Bombers 23K Max Altitude
- Bomber Calibration: Manual
- Winds: Down Draft at 28K(100mph)
- Bomber Calibration: Manual
- Winds: Down Draft at 28K(100mph)
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