Normandy Summer

Normandy Summer
This FSO event models combat over The Western Front between the Luftwaffe and the Allied air forces supporting the Allied armies advancing into France. The backbone of Allied air power in the Normandy campaign centered around the mobile fighter-bomber wings of the RAF 2nd Tactical Air Force and the USAAF IX Tactical Air Force. Their mandate was to provide direct support to the American, British, and Canadian armies. They had to move as the armies did and be ready to change locations on short notice. When fully operational the mobile wings were completely self sufficiant organisations performing the same function as a unit in England. Airfields also had to be built from scratch or captured and repaired, a task performed by engineers assigned to those airfields often using an invention called peirced steel planking (PSP) that was critical to setting up airfields quickly. The tactical air force support troops were so important that many were in the follow-up waves of personnel landed on D+1. Within 24 hrs of the invasion the first Allied aircraft were using emergency airstrips on the Continent, and by a month into the campaign, 25 Advanced Landing Grounds (ALG) had been built.
Original design "Angels Eight" by Warloc (Squire), adapted by Bino
version 1.2
version 1.2
January 2012
========= Country Percentages =========
Axis 47.5%
Allied 52.5%
Allied 52.5%
========= Field Assignments =========
Allied Bishop
Axis Knight
CM Rook
Axis Knight
CM Rook

========= Axis (Luftwaffe) Aircraft =========
Bf-109G-6Â Â (min 20)
Bf-109G-14 (min 20)
FW-190A-5Â (min 20)
FW-190A-8Â (min 20)
FW-190F-8Â (min 20)
Bf-109G-14 (min 20)
FW-190A-5Â (min 20)
FW-190A-8Â (min 20)
FW-190F-8Â (min 20)
Reconnaissance Aircraft: AR-234 (max 4 per frame, formations disabled)

========= Allied Aircraft =========
Spitfire VÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10)
Spitfire VIIIÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
Spitfire XVIÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
Typhoon I        (min 10 - max 20)
Mosquito VIÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
Spitfire VÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10)
Spitfire VIIIÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
Spitfire XVIÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
Typhoon I        (min 10 - max 20)
Mosquito VIÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
P-51BÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10)
P-47D-25Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10)
P-38JÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
A-20GÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
B-25C "Mitchell"     (min 8 - max 12) *** count of pilots, formations enabled ***
B-26B "Marauder"  (min 8 - max 12) *** count of pilots, formations enabled ***
P-51BÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10)
P-47D-25Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10)
P-38JÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
A-20GÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (min 10 - max 20)
B-25C "Mitchell"     (min 8 - max 12) *** count of pilots, formations enabled ***
B-26B "Marauder"  (min 8 - max 12) *** count of pilots, formations enabled ***
Reconnaissance Aircraft: P-51D (max 4 per frame)

* This is a one life event, and pilots may not replane after landing and exiting
* Pilots may re-arm their planes on the "hot pad" at any friendly airbase
* Each Allied squad is either RAF/RCAF or USAAF (no mixing British and American planes within a squad)
* P-51-D, Mosquito, A-20, B-25, and B-26 aircraft must be based in England, not in France
* P-51D air-to-ground ordnance is disabled
* All variants of the B-25C are available
* All recon aircraft have an OPTIONAL mission ability to make a photo-reconnaissance run
* AR-234 RATO rockets and air-to-ground ordnance are disabled
* Bf-109G-6 and Bf-109G-14 air-to-ground ordnance is disabled
* Axis aircraft are NEVER allowed to cross the coast of England
* A pilot who survives the frame and makes a good landing at a friendly AIRBASE earns two bonus points
* P-51-D, Mosquito, A-20, B-25, and B-26 aircraft must be based in England, not in France
* P-51D air-to-ground ordnance is disabled
* All variants of the B-25C are available
* All recon aircraft have an OPTIONAL mission ability to make a photo-reconnaissance run
* AR-234 RATO rockets and air-to-ground ordnance are disabled
* Bf-109G-6 and Bf-109G-14 air-to-ground ordnance is disabled
* Axis aircraft are NEVER allowed to cross the coast of England
* A pilot who survives the frame and makes a good landing at a friendly AIRBASE earns two bonus points
Bomb Damage Assessment photo-reconnaissance missions are flown directly over the center of a surface target area, at or below 5,000 ft ASL, after an air-to-surface strike is completed but within 70 (seventy) minutes of frame start. Reconnaissance planes must land safely AT THEIR HOME BASE to get the points for the mission. Confirmation film (Aces High command "ALT-R") must be emailed to the Admin CM in order to score points for the mission. If an Axis photo-recon mission is slated for an Allied convoy that has no ships surviving the attack, the photo-recon mission should fly as close as possible to the postion of the sinking of the last ship in that Allied convoy. Imagine that Aces High models flotsam.
========= SCORING =========
Aircraft Point Values
Arado AR-234Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â = 10 pts
P-51DÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â = 10 pts
Twin-Engined Aircraft       = 3 pts
Single-Engined Aircraft     = 2 pts
Arado AR-234Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â = 10 pts
P-51DÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â = 10 pts
Twin-Engined Aircraft       = 3 pts
Single-Engined Aircraft     = 2 pts
Bonus For Landing            = 2 pts per pilot
Surface Target Point Values
Cruiser (CA)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â = 10 pts
Destroyer (DD)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â = 10 pts
Vehicle Hangar         = 10 pts
Fighter Hangar         = 10 pts
Bomber Hangar         = 10 pts
Cruiser (CA)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â = 10 pts
Destroyer (DD)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â = 10 pts
Vehicle Hangar         = 10 pts
Fighter Hangar         = 10 pts
Bomber Hangar         = 10 pts
radar tower                 = 1 pt
ordnance bunker        = 1 pt
field gun                     = 1 pt
troop barracks             = 1 pt
fuel storage tank         = 1 pt
ordnance bunker        = 1 pt
field gun                     = 1 pt
troop barracks             = 1 pt
fuel storage tank         = 1 pt
NOTE: town buildings near air bases ARE NOT valid targets
Optional Special Mission
Bomb Damage Assessment photo-recon mission filmed successfully =Â 25 pts
========= WIND =========
00K - 01K - calm
01K - 08K - NW to SE - 5 MPH
08K - 16K - NW to SE - 10 MPH
16K - 24K -Â W to EÂ - 10 MPH
over 24k  - W to E - 15 MPH
01K - 08K - NW to SE - 5 MPH
08K - 16K - NW to SE - 10 MPH
16K - 24K -Â W to EÂ - 10 MPH
over 24k  - W to E - 15 MPH
========= ARENA SETTINGS =========
- Map: Battle Of Britain
- Fuel Burn Rate: 1.0
- Icons: 9000 feet (3.0K yards)
- Ack Strength: 0.60
- Fighter and Bomber Warning Range: 79,200 feet (15 miles)
- Tower Range:Â 79,200 feet (for display only, to match the above setting)
- Haze/fog Visability: 15 miles
- Radar: map sector "Bar-Dar" only, two minute delay
- Enemy collisions: ON
- Friendly collisions: OFF
- Killshooter: OFF
- Time: 11:00 AM (game clock)
- Formations: ON
- Bomb Sight Calibration: MANUAL
- Fuel Burn Rate: 1.0
- Icons: 9000 feet (3.0K yards)
- Ack Strength: 0.60
- Fighter and Bomber Warning Range: 79,200 feet (15 miles)
- Tower Range:Â 79,200 feet (for display only, to match the above setting)
- Haze/fog Visability: 15 miles
- Radar: map sector "Bar-Dar" only, two minute delay
- Enemy collisions: ON
- Friendly collisions: OFF
- Killshooter: OFF
- Time: 11:00 AM (game clock)
- Formations: ON
- Bomb Sight Calibration: MANUAL
========= BASES and TARGETS =========
Neutral (CM) ------------
A79Â (6,0,6)
A104 (7,0,3)
A104 (7,0,3)
Allied --------------------
all airbases in Britain are both "friendly" and/or "active"
plus the following bases in France:
plus the following bases in France:
V98Â (8,6,5)
V99Â (8,6,6)
V100 (9,6,4)
V101 (9,6,5)
V102 (9,6,6)
V103 (9,6,6)
A40Â (9,6,3)
A72Â (8,7,1)
A73Â (7,7,2)
V99Â (8,6,6)
V100 (9,6,4)
V101 (9,6,5)
V102 (9,6,6)
V103 (9,6,6)
A40Â (9,6,3)
A72Â (8,7,1)
A73Â (7,7,2)
Allied assets to defend against Axis attack are:
C110 (9,7,?)Â must remain in map sector 9,7
C97Â (8,8,?)Â must remain in map sector 8,8
A40Â (9,6,3)
A73Â (7,7,2)
C97Â (8,8,?)Â must remain in map sector 8,8
A40Â (9,6,3)
A73Â (7,7,2)
Axis -------------------------
all bases on Continent are "friendly" except
Allied: V98, V99, V100, V101, V102, V103, A40, A72, A73
CM: A79, A104
all Axis airbases in Europe are "active" except A39 (11,6,7)
Axis assets to defend against Allied attack are:
Axis assets to defend against Allied attack are:
A37Â (12,8,3)
A38Â (11,7,6)
A41Â (12,5,7)
A74Â (6,3,9)
A38Â (11,7,6)
A41Â (12,5,7)
A74Â (6,3,9)