Targets of Opportunity - Europe early 1943

Early 1943 setup over the English
As agreed at the Trident Conference
in Washington in 1943, the Western Allies laid plans for an invasion
of Europe in 1944. Ignoring the fact that they already held a
foothold in Europe, Italy, the American and British planners yielded
to political pressures and selected France as the target of a
cross-channel assault. ...the Germans were expecting the blow to fall
across the Pas de Calais, and the Normandy beaches were
correspondingly less heavily defended. The whole operation was
covered by the most elaborate [scheme] of deception of the whole war.
Every effort was made to persuade the Germans that the Pas de Calais
was the real target. For every sortie flown west of Le Havre, two
were flown north of it.
This FSO will simulate many of the
sorties flown in early 1943 by the Allied and Axis forces over the
channel, with each side often looking for targets of opportunity.
The Cassell – Atlas of the Second
World War
Country Percentages:
Allies 50%
Axis 50%
Plane Set:
British Aircraft:
Spit V
Spit IX Limited to 60. Losses will not
be replaced.
Hurr IIC (limited to 20 per frame)
Mossie (limited to 20 per frame)
Boston Mk III
Lancaster III (Limited to 20 per frame)
American Aircraft:
P47D11 (sub for
D5) Limited to 20. Losses will not be replaced.Allies must use 5
of the 7 aircraft listed.
Allied Active Fields:
A10, A11, A12,
A13, A14, A17, A18, A19
Allies may land
and rearm at any friendly field.
Special Rules:
Both sides will have destroyer groups
as targets of opportunity.
Both sides will
have trains and truck convoys as targets of opportunity.
Allies must use at
least 5 of the 7 aircraft listed and not exceed the aircraft limits
listed per frame.
German Aircraft:
109G6 Limited to 60. Losses will not be
190A5 Limited to 30. Losses will not be
German Active Fields:
A37, A38, A44,
A45, A46, A48, A60.
Axis may land and
rearm at any friendly field.
Special Rules:
Both sides will have destroyer groups
as targets of opportunity.
Both sides will
have trains and truck convoys as targets of opportunity.
Axis must use at
least 5 of the 6 aircraft listed and not exceed the aircraft limits
listed per frame.
Special Conditions:
Pilots may still
reup without question in the first 15 minutes, but any aircraft
destroyed on take off will count in the frame score against that
All enemy trains
and trucks are targets of opportunity.
Enemy destroyers
are targets of opportunity. (see the frame map for possible
All targets of
opportunity have a value but significantly less because they are not
a primary target.
Targets at air
fields are the fighter hangers ONLY.
Targets at the
vehicle fields are the vehicle hangers ONLY.
CiC's may not
assign a squad or squads to defend task groups as they may not be
attacked, or to quote ImADotÂ
"CiC's cannot assign a squad or
squads to defend task groups as they are not primary targets and might
not be attacked."
Victory Conditions:
Single engine fighters 5 points
Me110's 8 points
Mossie 8 points
Stuka's 8 points
Bostons 10 points
Ju88's 15 points
Lancasters 20 points
All hangers 15 points each
Trucks 1 point each
Trains 1 point each
Destroyers 20 points each
Arena Settings:
Terrain - BOB09
Icon Range – Friendly 3k, Enemy 1k,
below 500' icons are off.
Radar – Tower Only. Dot dar within
radar range of 15 miles. Below 500' off radar.
Fighter and Bomber Warning Range -
79200 (15 miles)
Tower Range – 79,200 (for display to
match the above Fighter and Bomber Warning)
External view for bombers (F3) - On
Friendly Collisions - Off
Collisions - On
Kill Shooter - Off
Fuel - 1.0
Ack -
Formations - Enabled
Bombsite calibration - Manual
Fog Vis - 12 miles
Time 5:30 AM X3
Visibility - Will vary
Downtime – full (200)
Winds - None
Special Notes:
Please note that the supply trains have
many bugs. Some don't follow tracks, others have the engine separate
from the cars.Icon is 3k for Friendly and 1k for
enemy. Below 500' icons are off.
CM Notes:
Color Sky Dusk:Â
Color Sun Dusk:
Blank Strat Map:
Design by: daddog