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After Auld Lang Syne - Operation Bodenplatte 1945


Operation Bodenplatte, launched on January 1, 1945, was a daring and audacious offensive conducted by the German Luftwaffe during World War II. The operation aimed to cripple the Allied air forces stationed in Belgium and the Netherlands, particularly targeting their aircraft on the ground in order to gain air superiority over the Western Front.

The plan was conceived as a desperate attempt to turn the tide of the war in favor of Germany by severely weakening the Allied air power, which had been dominating the skies over Europe. The operation was named after Bodenplatte, the German word for "Base Plate," symbolizing the intention to strike at the heart of the Allied airfields.

In the early hours of New Year's Day, under the cover of darkness, over 900 German aircraft, including fighters, bombers, and ground-attack planes, took to the skies in a coordinated assault. They targeted more than a dozen Allied airfields in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France, catching the Allied forces by surprise.

Despite initial success and the destruction of numerous aircraft on the ground, Operation Bodenplatte ultimately failed to achieve its objectives. The Luftwaffe suffered heavy losses, with over 200 aircraft shot down by Allied defenders and anti-aircraft fire. Additionally, bad weather conditions hampered the German planes' ability to locate and attack their targets accurately.

While the Allies did suffer significant losses in terms of aircraft and personnel, they were able to quickly recover and maintain air superiority over the Western Front. Operation Bodenplatte marked one of the last major offensive actions undertaken by the Luftwaffe during the war and highlighted the dwindling capabilities of the German air force in the face of Allied air power.

In the broader context of the war, Operation Bodenplatte was a reflection of Germany's desperate attempts to regain the initiative as the tide turned decisively against them. Despite its failure, the operation demonstrated the determination of the German military leadership to continue the fight even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Country Split


Victory Conditions

The winning of a frame relies on the attacker's ability to obtain each objective per frame. The attackers will have two hours to achieve the full set of objectives at the same target. If the attackers fail to achieve the full-set objectives by frame end the victory will go to the defenders.

Attackers may continuously attack throughout the two hours. There will be no stoppage or wait time to attack.

A closer field will be opened for the Attackers to sustain their attack in the second hour.

Defenders must halt the scoring potential of the attackers. The defenders own the victory to be lost.

The defenders will have a 10-minute “Administrative Launch Hold" imposed. After that, all hangars will remain open for the remainder of the frame.

The Setup CM will make the modifications to aircraft availability at the top of the second hour.

Event Scoring

Frame 1 - Large Airfield A41

The Axis must complete the following objectives within two hours:

Destroy……………………………………………………………. 3 of 4 Bomber Hangars

Destroy………………………………………………………….…. 5 of 8 Fighter Hangars

Destroy………………………………………………………………….….. Vehicle Hangar

Destroy……………………………………………………………….. 4 Ordnance Bunkers

Destroy…………………………………………………………………………….….. Radar

Frame 2 - Medium Airfield A121

The Axis must complete the following objectives within two hours:

Destroy……………………………………………………………. All Bomber Hangars

Destroy……………………………………………………………... All Fighter Hangars

Destroy……………………………………………………………….….. Vehicle Hangar

Destroy………………………………………………………………............ All  Bunkers

Destroy……………………………………………………………..…………….... Radar

Frame 3 - Medium Airfield A113

The Axis must complete the following objectives within two hours:

Destroy……………………………………………………………. All Bomber Hangars

Destroy……………………………………………………………... All Fighter Hangars

Destroy……………………………………………………………….….. Vehicle Hangar

Destroy………………………………………………………………............ All  Bunkers

Destroy……………………………………………………………..…………….... Radar

Special Event Rules

  • This is a multi-life open event. Airfields will remain open after the first 10 minutes.
  • The Allies will be held in the tower for 10 minutes or the first Allied bases flash occurs, whichever comes first.
  • Combatants may rearm at any friendly base.
  • The ordnance for each aircraft will be set by the setup CM in the hangar.
  • All targeted objects will retain their normal MA destruction weight.
  • The attackers will have up to T+60 to make their initial attack, otherwise, they will be unable to win the frame.
  • All aircraft have a maximum altitude CAP of 16K.
  • Destroyed targets are down for the remainder of the frame.
  • The Axis must maintain the “Credible Force” rule in the first of the second-hour attacks.
  • ( ) Brackets denote minimum aircraft fill requirements.



Order of Battle

Frame1Hour1Axis base: A35 - 1st / A39 - 2nd hour
Ordnance: FW190(s) …………………. 250Kg or 500Kg Bomb, any gun pack, 

Hour 2 Target: A41
Allies Auxiliary Base: A109

AALSFm21stHr 2
Axis base: A46 - 1st / A101 - 2nd hour
Ordnance: FW190A/F-8………………………..500Kg, any gun pack. FW190D-9 (No Ordanance)

AALSFm22ndHr 2
Hour 2 Target: A121
Allies Auxiliary Base: A155

Axis base: A31 - 1st / A40 - 2nd hour
Ordnance: FW190A-8 ……………..............……. 250Kg or 500Kg Bomb, any gun pack                                          BF109G-14…………………………….250Kg any gun pack 

Frame3Hour2 1
Hour 2 Target: A113
Allies Auxiliary Base: A109

Arena Settings

Terrain map: GermanyW

Fuel burn rate: 1.0

Anti-aircraft gun strength: 0.3

Icons: 3.0K yards (9,000 feet)

Sector Radar ("bar dar"): OFF

Dot Radar: OFF

Fighter warning range: 105,600 feet (20 miles)

Tower range set to 105,600 feet (for display only, to match the above setting)

Haze range: 12 miles

Friendlycollisions: OFF

Enemy collisions: ON

Kill shooter: OFF

Stall Limiter: Set ON (Players may disable)


 Altitude    Speed      Direction

   00 - 02K      0         NO WIND

   02 - 10K      0        W -> E

   10 - 16K      0        W -> E

   16 - 50K+    75mph  UPDRAFT


Overcast @ 18k

Arena Clock:

Frame 1        0730    (7:30 AM, Morning)

Frame 2        0730   (7:30AM, Morning)

Frame 3        0730   (7:30 AM, Morning)

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