The Daily Grind - June 1943

Following massive bombings in London by the Third Reich, the Western Allies have come together to start pushing the Germans back into their homeland. For the first time, the Allies are able to take the offensive to Hitler and his troops on mainland Europe.
Tens of thousands of sorties were flown over the course of a few short years by both sides. In early 1943 the Americans started shipping the powerful and deadly P-47 to England in order to provide a long range fighter to help protect bombers into France. The Allies are beginning to feel empowered by reinforcements in England, ready to take the fight to France and beyond. Fighter sweeps flown deep into the heart of France are followed by massive formations of bombers. After success in France, the allies then begin pentetrating deep into German airspace, taking the escort fighters as far as possible.
The decision was made to make a large push of strategic bombing to slow down the German war machine. The effects of such massive bombing raids, combined with the daring of flying during the daytime over France, began to wear on the soldiers. The missions were long, tedious, stressful and exhausting. It was the beginning of what for some became "The Daily Grind".
This FSO will focus on the early raids into France, targeting German infastructure, and airfields.
Frame 1 - October 6th
Frame 2 - October 13th
Frame 3 - October 20th
All frames begin at 11:00 pm Eastern time in SEA I
Prior registration is required.
Country percentages 52% Allied, 48% Axis
British Aircraft
Spitfire Mk IX (No min- no max) A46, A72
Spitfire Mk VIII (Max 48 over 3 frames. Losses will not be replaced) A46, A72
Typhoon (No min- no max) Field: A72
Mosquito Mk VI (No min) Field: A44
American Aircraft
B-26B (Min of 10) Field: A44, A63
B-17G (Min of 10) Field: A41, A62
P-47D-11 (Max 60 over 3 frames. Losses will not be replaced) Field: A42
*Allies are allowed to use any and or all the planes listed, up to the max number (if given).
*Must use at least 10 B-17's and B-26's, but can use more..
*British and American squadrons are available at their respective active fields.
*Planes may rearm/land at any friendly airfield.
*Rockets are available for Typhoon, and Mosquito.
*P-47s and Spitfire VIII - Planes successfully landed by T+120 will be available the next frame.
*Formations are enabled for the bombers.
Axis: Knight
Bf 109G-2 (No min- no max) Fields: A110, A111, A118, A144, A145
Bf 109G-6 (No min- no max) Fields: A110, A111, A118, A144, A145
Fw 190A-5 (Max 72 over 3 frames. Losses will not be replaced) Fields: A114, A128, A130, A144, A145
Bf 110G-2 (No min- no max) Fields: A114, A119, A128, A130, A144, A145
*Axis are allowed to use any and or all the planes listed, up to the max number (if given). No minimums required.
*All Axis aircraft are available at all active axis airfields.
*Planes may land/rearm at any friendly airfield
*Axis may not cross engagement line until an Axis field, City or strat object flashes.
*Axis may not enter English airspace or go Feet Dry over England.
*Fw 190A5 - successfully landed by T+120 will be available the next frame.
Strat buildings/town buildings = 2 points
Ack guns = 2 points
Hangars = 15 points
Single Engine aircraft = 5 points
Twin Engine aircraft = 10 points per plane
Quad Engine aircraft = 15 points per plane
Arena Settings:
1. Terrain - BOF44
2. Kill shooter - off
3. Enemy Mid Airs - On
4. Friendly Mid Airs - Off
5. Fuel - 1.0
6. External view for bombers (F3) - on
7. Icon Ranges - 9000
8. Fighter & Bomber Warning Range - 79,200 (about 15 Miles)
9. Visibility - 17 miles
10. Radar - off (48)
11. Tower Range - 79,200 (for display to aid players, set to match above setting)
12. Ack - 0.3
13. Time - Frame 1 06:00 x1
Frame 2 11:00 x1
Frame 3 16:00 x1
14. Wind - None
15. Bombsite Calibration – MA Standard
16. Formations Enabled
1. The max numbers for the Fw-190's, P-47's, and the SpitVIII's for the entire event. For example the allies could use 30 P47's and 30 SpitVIII's, and the Luftwaffe could use 50 FW-190's in frame one. The allies lose 15 P-47's, and 10 SpitVIII's leaving them with a total of 45 P-47's and 38 SpitVIII's for Frames Two and Three.
Designed by Brad "68Raptor" Harwell
Edited by BFOOT1