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The handful of American mercenaries who scorched earth and sky in defense of China were officially known as the American Volunteer Group (AVG), but, of course, are best remembered as the 'Flying Tigers'-the English translation of Fei Hou. The nickname was bestowed by the grateful Chinese after the American pilots attacked a large number of Japanese fighters over Kunming on December 20, 1941. In just seven months of intense aerial combat, the AVG earned a lasting niche in aviation history, reportedly destroying nearly 300 Japanese aircraft for the loss of only 69 planes.
Equally famous is their brilliant and controversial commander, Claire L. Chennault, whose genius for leadership in the face of overwhelming odds made him a hero in the United States as well as in China. Chennault was a unique individual who could inspire great accomplishments from all those who served under him. In creating his legendary group of airmen-composed of former U.S. Navy, Marine and Army Air Corps pilots who quietly entered China posing as artists and missionaries-Chennault established his own version of an ideal mercenary band. To him it was clear that paid soldiers could play a vital role in aerial combat, and in his attempts to sell his sometimes radical ideas to military officials he frequently quoted lines from 'Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries,' his favorite A.E. Houseman poem:
These, in the day when heaven was falling, The hour when earth's foundations fled,
Followed their mercenary calling,
Took their wages and are dead.
Their shoulders held the sky suspended:
They stood and earth's foundations stay.
What God abandoned these defended
And saved the sum of things for pay.

40/60 side split(allies/axis)

Allied: Bishop
B-25C  15 min(no straffer)
HURRICANE MKII w/8 .303 guns package  MIN 20
HURRICANE MKII w/12 .303 guns package max 20

*P-40’S May carry bombs. Allied bombers will have a 18,000 alt cap.
*Allied fighters will have 23k alt cap. Allied fighters may strafe or otherwise damage/destroy ground targets.

A6M2(SUB FOR  KI-43)
G4M1 MODEL11(SUB FOR KI-21) MIN 15(Either of the GP bomb options only)
*A6M2 may carry bombs. IJAAF/IJNAF fighters will have 23,000 alt cap.
*IJNAF/IJAAF  bombers will have 18k alt cap.  IJN/IJAAF fighters may strafe or otherwise damage/destroy ground targets
*Both sides must launch from a minimum of 4 separate bases
*Fighters will operate out of v-bases only. This is to simulate the unimproved airfields that were in use in this area. Bombers will use rear airbases only.
*Fighters may carry ordinance. Fighters may hunt/kill enemy aircraft, once released by their bomber groups.
*Fighters may strafe/attack targets of opportunity once released by their bomber groups.
*Fighters may refuel/rearm at any active base.
*B-25C may use only bombsighted versio.
*G4M1 may use only GP bomb options.
Initial Bombing attacks must occur NLT-T-60
All fighter aircraft = 10 pts
Bombers = 20 pts  for each destroyed
Vehicle Hangar = 25 pts
Fighter Hangar = 25 pts
Bomber Hangar = 25 pts
All other base structures gun positions and strat building score as 5 pts each
**Special note:All ground structures score the same, regardless of how they were destroyed.
**Special note on altitude limitations.If an infraction of altitude ceilings is witnessed, please contact myself or another CM with a film clip showing only the infractions. Please also understand a few hundred feet is not necessarily a deliberate infraction, so please just focus on having fun.
Questions on this, contact me Via PM please. 

Safe landing bonus 5 points per pilot.

*Any aircraft airborne at T-120  will score as a loss, and its points awarded to the other side as a kill.*

Arena Settings:
- Rangoon Terrain
- Fuel burn 1.0
- Icons (3k)
- 0.3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 105,600 (20 miles)
- Tower range set to 105,600
- Haze/fog /full visibility (17 Miles) with scattered clouds
- Radar ALLIED Only, 3 minute delay. AC will be off radar below 200'.
- Enemy Collisions On - Friendly Collisions OFF
- Killshooter off - Time: 10:00 AM

--All Bombers 18K Max Altitude
--All Fighters 23K  Max Altitude
- Bomber Calibration: Manual
- Winds: Down Draft at 24K
--Winds: 0 to 2k no wind.  10kts from the west 2k up to 18k alt. 15kts 18k up to 25k

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