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As 1943 drew on Imperial Japan was forced to rethink its war strategy in view of the Allied successes in New Guinea and Guadalcanal, especially on the heels of her catastrophic defeat at Midway the previous year. Everywhere in the Pacific Japan's forces were stretched too thin. Contraction of the Empire's territories seemed the only answer while buying time for defensive preparations to thwart the renewed Allied strategic offensives Japan's GHQ knew would come. In the Pacific Area Nimitz was preparing to assault the Gilbert Islands. In the South West Pacific Area MacArthur was continuing the clearance of the New Guinea coast supported by Halsey's South Pacific Area which aimed to overrun the Bismarck Archipelago. In the Solomons Halsey was driving up the island chain to capture New Georgia and Bougainville and further isolate Japan's fortress base at Rabaul in New Britain.

By the time the U.S. was preparing to invade Bougainville in September of 1943 both sides were deploying improved fighters in quantity. Examples included the P-38 Lightning and the F4U-1 Corsair which joined the stalwarts like the venerable P-39 and P-40. On the Japanese side veteran fighters like the Ki-43 were joined by the new A6M5 'Type 0' making its combat debut. Aces from both sides like Warrant Officer Hiroshi Okano of the IJNAFs 201st Air Group and USMC 1st Lt. Edwin L Olander of VMF-214 looking for action over "The Slot" would often find it.
This event recreates the contest that took place between the opposing air fleets as they fought a grinding war of attrition in the skies of the Solomon Islands in that fall of 1943.
Country Percentages: 
Axis 50%
Allied 50%
Field Assignments:
Axis Bishop
Allied Knight
CM Rook
A6M5 (max 24) 
Ki-61 (max 24) 
P-38G (max 24)
P-39N (P-39Q)
F4U-1A (max 24)
Special Rules and Ordnance Restrictions:
* All aircraft types must be used with a minimum of 12 *PLAYERS*.
* A min of 24 players must be assigned to each mission objective. 
* Bombers are limited to 18,000 feet alt.
* Bombs larger than 500 lbs are not enabled for the Allied side.
* Gondolas are disabled on the P-39.
* Air-ground ordnance is disabled for fighters.
Aircraft Pts
Bombers: 5 pts
Dive bombers: 3 pts
All other aircraft: 2 pts
Landing bonus: 2pts

Ground Target Pts
0.5 = Gun
25 = Hangar
3 = All other
Arena Settings:
- Solomons terrain
- Fuel burn 1.0
- Icons short (3k)
- 0.3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 42,000 (about 8 miles)
- Tower range set to 42,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Haze/fog full visibility (17 miles)
- Radar off
- Enemy collisions on
- Friendly collisions off
- Killshooter off
- Time: 15:00 ( 3PM ) Game Clock
- Formations: On
- Bomber calibration: Auto ( MA style )
- Task Group Hardness 2.0
- Wind: 0-2K   NO WIND
           2-10K  NE TO SW - Speed 5
           10-18K NE TO SW - Speed 5
           18K+   N TO S - Speed 10
Designer's Notes:
Design by Warloc


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