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1000 Miles of War, Ice, and Fog




  While the exact objectives of Japan's attack on the Aleutian Islands in 1942 isn't known, there are two main possibilities to ponder. One possibility is that Japan wanted to conquer the Aleutians to obtain access to Canada and America's northwestern states by way of Alaska. Many of Japan's military leaders considered these poorly defended outposts to be the logical route for an invasion of North America. Why Japan clung to its positions in the Aleutians after the battle of Midway is not known, but it is probable that Attu and Kiska were either going to provide the jumping-off places for future invasions of the North American continent, or merely provide advanced eastern observation posts and defenses for the Empire. General Simon Buckner had proposed to attack Japan via a northern route, through the Aleutians, thus giving some credence to Japan's concerns about protecting their northern flank, which formulates the second reason for Japan's wanting to hold on to Kiska and Attu. A line drawn from Kiska through Attu and down to Midway Island would define Japan's eastern line of homeland defense.

    It was clear to the Allied Forces that the Japanese occupation in the Aleutians provided a continuing threat to America's (and possibly Canada's) security. Any plans for Allied Forces to seize the offensive in the Central Pacific would be difficult to execute while Japan maintained flanking positions in the Aleutians. One should also consider that every day Japan's troops remained on American soil was beneficial to Japanese morale (especially after the losses incurred at the Battle of Midway), while it was deleterious to that of the American's. Perhaps this was the primary reason for what became the total blackout of news relating to events in the Aleutians...to keep the American public from becoming too overly concerned about events in Alaska that were perceived by some higher military and government authorities to be of not much importance considering the scope of WWII. Would the American public panic if they knew that Japan had actually occupied American soil at this time? Because of America's commitments elsewhere, the means of quickly resolving these issues were far from adequate.

Country Percentages

48% Allied (rough estimate)
52% Axis (rough estimate)

NOTE: As the event progresses the Admin CM reserves the right to adjust the numbers of each side by reassigning squads to a side to balance the event because of number imbalance, game play imbalance, etc.

Plane Set

P38G (limited numbers)
39D (if available, and then only in limited numbers)

F4F-4 (very limited numbers)

Ki61 (limited numbers)

- Ki61s and P38Gs will only be available in frame 3, in limited numbers.
- B25Cs can not fly in formation
- B5N2s get a second life

Further restrictions will be delineated in the objective orders for each frame.

Victory Conditions

5 pts - Single or dual Engine AC with 1 crew
10 pts - Single or double engine AC with 2 crew
15 pts - Double Engine AC with 3+ crew

0.062 = Gun
0.062 = Mannable Gun
3.125 = Ammo Bunker
3.125 = Fuel Bunker
3.125 = Barracks
3.125 = Radar
27.812 = Vehicle Hangar
27.812 = Fighter Hangar
27.812 = Bomber Hangar
3.125 = Town Building
3.125 = Factory at strategic target
0.781 = Truck in convoy
1.562 = Train

20 = Destroyer
20 = Cruiser
80 = Carrier

For Example: Total point value of each objective will be supplied in frame objectives. For example a fleet with 1 CV, 1 CA, and 4 DD is worth 180 points; a standard small airbase should be worth 192 points (points rounded).

1. In Frame 3 the U.S. will get a limited number of P38Gs

2. In Frame 3 the Japanese will get a limited number of Ki61s

3. B5N2 pilots get a second life in an aircraft assigned to them by their CiC (it can be any of the available Japanese plane types).

4. No bomber formations

5. A minimum and maximum number will be assigned to each aircraft type. The CiC of each side must deploy the designated minimum per aircraft type and can not more than the maximum per aircraft type. Outside of that the CiCs can deploy the aircraft types anyway the want (i.e. can have squads fly 2 aircraft types and in split they wish as long as squads are assigned same objective).

6. If both CiCs agree they may have the setup CM end the frame early. This is usually done if one side wipes out the other side (i.e. 60 versus 5).

7. Dead pilots may gun bombers. They may not man the guns of airfields or ships.

8. If ships are used in a frame each side can maneuver the ships as long as they stay in their containment area. Ships must stay in containment area defined in the objective orders. If they go outside of the containment area a penalty will be assessed.

9. All targets must be attacked within the first hour of the event. To make sure this is done the CiC of each side must send the Admin CM their battle plans before the event so that he can verified they actually planned to attack their objectives in force (no sending just one plane to attack an objective before the 60 minute mark).

Arena Settings
- Aleutian terrain
- Fuel 1.25
- Icons short
- .3 Ack
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 52,000 (about 10 miles)
- Tower range set to 52,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Clouds / visibility, will be defined per frame but generally foggy
- Radar off
- Friendly collisions off
- Enemy collisions on
- Kill shooter off
- Wind conditions will vary per frame, will be defined in frame objectives
- Time: 11 AM
- Bomber Formations Disabled
- MA bombing mode
- Ship and object hardness, MA standard

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