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V1 Raid

V1 Raid


Artist Credit: daddog screen shot 

The sleek B-26 Marauder medium bombers of the 386th B.G. returning from a raid on the V2 rocket sites in the Pas de Calais, 1944. Attacked by enemy 109's with P-51B's for escorts.


Country Percentages
American 50%
German 50% 
B-26 - 40%
P-51B - 60%

B26's Roll from A37. P51B's roll from A30.

Attack V2 site designated on map in sector 14.11.2 (V174).

Also intercept and destroy any V1 rockets launched from A75 or A88. Their target is the city near 13.11.4

B-26s must use formations.


Bf 109G-6 - 100%

Roll A75. Intercept Allied bombers and prevent them from dropping on V2 site in sector 14.11.2 (V174).



Victory Conditions

5 points per V1 rocket destroyed
5 points for each building destroyed by V1 rockets
5 points for each building at V2 rocket site destroyed
15 points per fighter destroyed
15 points per bomber destroyed

Arena Settings

1. Terrain - Normandy
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Wind - SE @ 15kts 10k - 15k
4. Time - 07:00 x2
5. Fighter & Bomber Warning Range - 36,960 (about 7 Miles)
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - on
8. Visibility - 10 miles
9. Friendly Collisions - off
10. Fuel - 1.5
11. Ack - 0.3
12. Kill shooter - off
13. Tower Range - 36,960 (for display to aid players, set to match above setting)
14. Radar - off

Designer Notes
This is a one life event. It time allows we may have two frames. Downed pilots may gun for buffs.

CM Notes

Keep track of the time to make sure the B-26's strike the target within the 1 hour limit. If they go over the 1 hour limit the Axis receive 200 points. Ask CM's to fly the 163's if possible. Launch 2 - 163's 5 minutes after the Allies roll, and then the next 2 - 163's 10 minutes after the Allies rolled. Let the 163 pilots reup at A75 in the 109's. Remind the Allied pilots to look for the 163's. Me-163 pilots may straff city buildings as they dive in. 

Let the players know the path of the 163's. Directly from A75 and A88 heading toward the target city in 13.11.4.

163's should be below 1000k, and close to 380mph, (about 20% throttle)

If more then 50 players use V173 V2 site as additional target. Allow the 109s to up from A88 also. 

Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier
Updated 06/11/2013 by 68Raptor

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