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Riders on the Storm

Riders on the Storm


Artist Credit: Dux Screen shot

The summer of 1943 in Europe was a waiting time. Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily, was underway, and the Russians were slowly beating the Germans on the eastern front, but there wasn't much that could be done in Western Europe. In anticipation of future invasion possibilities and to keep pressure on the Luftwaffe in Western Europe Allied medium bombers, escorted by Spitfires, flew countless Ramrod missions. Canadian Spitfire squadrons, now mostly armed with the potent Spitfire IX, were tasked with escorting American B-26 Marauder medium bombers over France, Holland and Belgium to destroy specific targets, and, it was hoped, to entice the Luftwaffe up to battle and destroy it. If they didn't come up to fight, well the Allies still got a successful bomber raid out of it. Most Ramrods were pieces of cake as the Luftwaffe often did not try to interfere with the Ramrods, but some weren't.


Country Percentages


Spit IX - 60%
B-26 - 40% 
Spitfires take off from A10, B-26s take off from A12 in England and head to a rendezvous location with the Spitfires. Once they meet they are to head to the targets. The rendezvous point and target will be determined by the Allied CO. Targets must be hit within 40 minutes. Bomber targets are bomber and fighter hangers at A44 and A36.
Maximum bomb load (suggest 500lb bombs)
Formation flying.
Spitfires must take 100% fuel. Fighters must stay within sight of bombers until Luftwaffe is spotted. Suggest drop tanks for Spits. 
Axis :
Bf-109G6 - 50%
Fw-190A5 - 50%
Units are to take off from A35 and intercept Allied forces.
LW fighters must carry 100% fuel. 


Victory Conditions:
Fighters - 10 points each
Spitfire - 10 points
Bf-109 - 10
Fw190 - 10
B-26 - 20 points
Objects on field:
Bomber hangers - 30 points
Fighter hangers - 30 points  

Arena Settings

1. Terrain - BOB4
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Radar - Off
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800
5. Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to aid players, set to match the above setting)
6. Visibility - 17 miles
7. Wind - None
8. External view for bombers (F3) - on
9. Friendly Collisions - off
10. Enemy Collisions - on
11. Kill Shooter - off
12. Fuel 1.5
13. Ack .6
14. Time - 0700 X2 

Designer Notes

CM Notes
Downed Allied pilots may gun for the B-26's

Design By
Holder, daddog 

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