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Ghosts in the Darkness: Cats Eyes

Ghosts in the Darkness: Cats Eyes


Artist Credit:

Ghosts in the Darkness Part One-Cats Eyes

March 1941

From November to Christmas 1940 the Luftwaffe continued to bomb London and many other cities other than London, attacking Southampton, Portsmouth, Liverpool, Birmingham and Bristol. But still the Luftwaffe frequently visited London after hours. After the year ended the weather turned for worst. And the night blitz halted. The cancellation of Sea Lion didn't mean an end to Luftwaffe Operations over England so the Luftwaffe planned a two-prong attack to further the success of the U-boats destruction of British Convoys. The Luftwaffe planned to strike hard at the Ports such as Plymouth, Cardiff, Hull, and Swansea to disrupt allied shipping and hit hard at the British aircraft factories. During the two month hiatus on major bombing the RAF got caught up on Night fighter technologies. One plan was Cat Eyes, Single seat interceptors flying at certain altitudes at a likely target. GCI was most effective; by March of 1941 GCI radar stations were all along the South and east coasts. Directing the new Hurricane Mk IIC fighters to the incoming night raids. The RAF had identified some of the pathfinder units and dispatched Intruder patrols of Hurricanes and Bostons to attack and harass their airfields in France and Holland. During March the Bombers began to feel the effects of GCI and the RAF was realizing the benefits. March brought the welcome change as RAF night fighters claimed 22 kills, compared to 17 of the AAA guns. In April, RAF night fighters shot down 48 bombers with 39 falling to the guns. Adding to the aircraft being shot down over Britain, the Night Intruders were racking up kills during their Night Harassment missions over France, catching the weary bomber pilots on their return to France. During May the night defenses accounted for 138 German bombers, 96 of them claimed by RAF night fighters. By this time Hitler was planning for the Invasion of Russia. And began to withdraw Luftwaffe bomber units to Poland for the Invasion. Britain's first ordeal by the Night bomber came to an end.

Country Percentages

Hurricane Mk IIC - 75%
A20 Havoc (subbing for NF Boston) - 25%

Use A14
Engage the Junkers bombers at all costs.
Allied Units are encouraged to follow the bombers back into France to attack Night bomber Airfields.

A20 Bombs are optional


Ju-88 - 75%
Bf-110c - 25%

A47 - Ju-88's Attacks port P105
A36 - Bf-110's Engage any RAF Night fighters attempting to engage Ju88's and Airfields in France.

Victory Conditions:
Standard SEA point values

Hurricane Mk IIC - 15 points
A-20 - 20 points
Ju88 - 20 points
Bf110 - 20 points
Fuel/Barracks/Ammo - 10 points
Field gun - 15 points
Radar - 15 points
Vehicle hangar - 20 points 
Arena Settings:

1. Terrain - BoB04
2. Icon Range - short
3. Wind - E @ 10 kts 0k - 12k
4. Time - 2100 x1
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 (about 10 miles)
6. Enemy Collisions - on
7. External view for bombers (F3) - on
8. Visibility - 15 miles
9. Friendly Collisions - off
10.Fuel - 1.0
11.Ack - 0.3
12.Kill Shooter - off
13.Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to aid players, set to match the above setting)
14.Radar - Bar-Dar only

Designer Notes:
No Refuel/Rearm/Replane

CM Notes:

Design By
Nefarious 412th FS
Updated to AH2 by 68Raptor

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