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First Strike

First Strike


Artist Credit:

"No bomb shall fall on German soil" was the arrogant claim made by Reich marshal Hermann Goering before the start of World War II. Only a couple of years later Goering said "If an enemy bomber ever appears over Berlin you can call me Meier". This took place on March 6, 1944 when the 8th Air force appeared over the German capital. The losses were high, but these daylight raids took their toll on German morale and disrupted the military machine of the 3rd Reich. This first encounter pitted the 8th's B-17's escorted by P-47's of the 56th Fighter Group against the Fw 190's of JG II. They met head on over 25,000 feet, the 190's tearing through the bomber formations and the Thunderbolts racing to aid their countrymen.
Country Percentages
American - 60% of Attendees
German - 40% of Attendees

B-17's 50% of American Forces
P-47D-11 50% of American Forces

Orders: B-17's roll from A25
P-47's roll from A24
Bombers are to drop on A69. Formation on for bombers.

Bombers are to take 100% fuel.
Bombers are to take 500 lb bombs.
Fighters must take Drop tanks

Fw-190A5 or A8 100% of LW Forces

Roll A69
To intercept and destroy enemy bombers before they drop on Rotterdam

Fw are to take 100% fuel and must roll T+20.
C.O.'s may choose Fw 190A-5 or A-8.
Units may not cross into the 15 column until enemy spotted.


Victory Conditions
Standard SEA point values
B-17 - 30 points
P-47 - 15 points
Fw 190 - 15 points
Ammo bunkers  - 5 points
Fuel depots - 5 points
Radar - 10 points
Hangers - 25 points
Ack - 2 points

Arena Settings
1. Terrain - BoB4
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Radar - Off
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 (about 10 miles)
5. Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to aid players, set to match the above setting) 
6. Visibility - 10 miles 
7. Wind - East at 10 knots 0' to 12k
8. External view for bombers (F3) - on
9. Friendly Collisions - off 
10. Enemy Collisions - on 
11. Kill Shooter - off 
12. Fuel - 1.5
13. Ack - 0.6
14. Time - 1100 x2

Designer Notes
Formations on. Like most Snapshots this is a ?one life? event. If a death, bail, or ditch occurs the player may not replane, but may join as a gunner if desired. Though the original targets on this raid were deeper into Germany the flight time would be over 2 hours "one way". For game play purposes a coastal target of Rotterdam was selected.

CM Notes

Design By
James "daddog" Glazier
Updated to AH2 by 68Raptor

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