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Everything can change on New Year's Day

Everything can change on New Year's Day


Artist Credit:
On January 1st 1945 Hitler's last gamble "Operation Bodenplatte" took off at first light to attack Airfields of the 2nd 9th and 15th Air Forces. Scheduled during the Ardennes Offensive, Weather played a big part of its being delayed until the New Year. Although 1000 Axis Pilots took place in the "Big Blow" most of them were new pilots. Twin engine bombers escorted these green pilots to the airfields in Holland and Belgium, Only to be shot at by their own AAA, because the German Army was not used to seeing that many friendly airplanes in the sky. As the Attackers approached radar in Belgium that was used to track the V-1's to England, the allies detected the large strike force. Allied fighters scrambled and engaged the 800 plane strike force. What ensued was an axis catastrophe; all 19 leaders were numbered among the 250 casualties suffered by Luftwaffe that day. Although claiming 500 enemy aircraft destroyed nearly 80 were shot down in air to air combat, Allied losses would be made good in two weeks. On the German side however most Jagdgeschwader never fully recovered before being sent eastwards to stem the Russian advance towards the River Oder.


Country Percentages
Allied - 40% of Attendees
Axis - 60% of Attendees

P-51D      50% of Allied Aircraft
P-47D-30 50% of Allied Aircraft

Roll A68 or 69
Defend fields A68 and A69

Must carry 100% fuel

Bf 109G-6 33% of Axis Aircraft
Fw 190D-9  33% of Axis Aircraft
Fw 190F-8  33% of Axis Aircraft

Roll A66 or A67
Destroy Allied fuel at fields A68, A69
Destroy any Aircraft Airborne

Must carry 100% fuel
Must carry bombs


Victory Conditions
Standard SEA Points
Fighter Aircraft - 15 points
Fuel - 15 points
Ack - 5 points

Arena Settings
1. Terrain - BoB09
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Radar - Dar Bar Only
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 79,200 (about 15 miles)
5. Tower Range - 79,200 (for display to aid players, set to match the above setting) 
7. Visibility - 17 miles 
8. Wind - none
8. External view for bombers (F3) - on
9. Friendly Collisions - off 
10. Enemy Collisions - on 
11. Kill Shooter - off 
12. Fuel - 1.0
13. Ack - 0.4
14. Time - 0700 x1

Designer Notes
One life event as most Snapshots

CM Notes
If the number of pilots is less than 10 per side then limit the Axis targets to one field.
All fields SE of a line from A41-A35-A50-A61 should be Axis.
Allied fields are NW of that line
All other fields should be neutral and will fire on both sides.

Design By

Updated to AH2 by 68Raptor
Edited for correct terrain by mrmidi 1/6/11

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