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Drive to the Rhine

Drive to the Rhine


Artist Credit: - daddog screen shot
In early 1945 the flanks of the Allied armies had reached the Rhine. As the Allies approached the Rhine the hope grew that it might be possible to jump a bridge intact. On March 7th the hoped-for happened. Speeding toward the Rhine, men of Hodge's US First Army captured intact the bridge at Remagen. Showing great flexibility and speed the Americans instantly exploited this opportunity, and by the evening of the 7th a substantial bridgehead had been established. This Snapshot is a fictitious engagement of American M8's vs Panzers west of the Rhine near Karlsrhue. The U.S. 7th Army lead by General Patch was on the southern flank. The VI Corps were in the area of V56. Across the Rhine was German Army Group "G"
 lead by General Hausser. Toe to toe the M8's stand little chance against the tough German Panzer, but with superior speed and numbers they have a much greater chance. - The Cassell, Atlas of the Second World War

Country Percentages
60% Allied
40% Axis


Allied players are to spawn at V56 and defend it from Panzers in the South East.


Panzer IV H

Axis players are to spawn NW from V47 toward V56. They are to engage M8's and destroy ack at V56.




Victory Conditions:
Panzer IV H - 10 points each
M8 - 7 points each
Ack - 2 points each


Arena Settings:
1. Terrain - Rhine
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Radar - Off
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 21,120 (about 4 miles)
5. Ground Vehicle Warning Range - 21,120 (about 3 miles)
6. Tower Range - 52,800(for display to aid players, set to match the above setting) 
7. Visibility - 17 miles 
8. Wind - none
8. External view for bombers (F3) - on
9. Friendly Collisions - off 
10. Enemy Collisions - on 
11. Kill Shooter - off 
12. Fuel - 1.5
13. Ack - 0.3
14. Time - 1100


Designer Notes:
If the M8's head SE they will be with in range of the Panzers Spawn point within 4 or 5 minutes. It could be a very quick engagement. (Suggest you now replace M8 with the Sherman. Also aim for more of a 50/50 split. )


CM Notes:
M8's will need more numbers. Stay true to the 60/40 split or even a 70/30 split. Go with 50/50 if you use the British Sherman.

Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier

updated 03/08 by 68Raptor 


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