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Battle of the Ruhr

Battle of the Ruhr


Artist Credit:  BearKats screenshot

The Bombing of Coventry is seen by many as the starting point of "indiscriminate" bombing of civilian targets in WWII. First the Germans bombed the city, then the British retaliated with a raid on Berlin, which the Germans then struck back at London.

In 1940, PM Winston Churchil issued a secret memorandum to his chiefs of staff, ordering an attack using heavy bombers on the nazi homeland. the same year, at the Berlin sports palace, Hitler shrieked "We will burn their cities to the ground! One of us will break and it will not be the Third Reich!

In late 1942, Churchill appointed Arther Harris as Air Vice Marshal and charged him with carrying out his plans to bomb Germany. Like the PM, Harris was an advocate of the notion that Air Power could win the war.

Lacking in-flight radar, the British bombers could only bomb with any degree of accuracy in the daytime hours. The British Bombers took heavy losses early on in the campaign and switched to the tactic of bombing at night. This sets the stage for the Aces High snapshot event.."Battle of the Ruhr".


 RAF 70% of attendies
 LW 30% of attendies


Lancasters from A3 (14 x 1000 lb bombs) (Airstart at 20k if available)
Your target of the day is the industrial complex near Cologne. The AAA factory 9,14,2 and the Ammo factory 9,14,5. Do not loiter over the target, all bombs must be "pickled". Advise your Flight Leaders split forces into multiple groups and seperate your flights. This will insure that the LW doesn't find all of you at once.
Formations enabled
FW190A5 from A25
Intercept incoming bomber raid and destroy them.


Victory Conditions
- 10 points for every fighter downed
- 20 points for every bomber downed
- 4 points per ground target destroyed 

Arena Settings
1.   Terrain - AH2 Rhine
2.   Icon range - 9000
3.   Radar - off
4.   Fighter and Bomber warning range - 68,640 (about 13 miles)
5.   Tower Range - 68,640 (about 13 miles) for display to aid players, set to match the above setting. 
6.   Visibility - 13 miles
7.   Wind - none
8.   External view for bombers (F3) - on
9.   Friendly Collisions - off
10. Enemy Collisions - On
11. Kill Shooter - off
12. Fuel burn rate - 1.5  
13. Ack - 0.6
14. Time - 5 AM 
Designer Notes
With out escorts Lancasters can expect some heavy losses. They must get to the target and destroy much of the factory to have any hope of success. Suggest Lancasters split into two or more groups.
Single life event, but formations are allowed for Lancasters. Downed pilots may man guns for bombers.

CM Notes
- create tables

Design By
Ammo & BigMax, idea by duckwing

edited 03/08 by 68Raptor 

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