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A Milk Run

A Milk Run

Artist Credit: daddog

Summer 1943, the United States Eighth Army Air Force is gaining confidence. Its complement is now up to 13 Heavy Bomber Groups and 3 Fighter Groups. Its commander, General Ira Eaker, is beginning to weld it into a fighting force capable of wresting control of the airspace over occupied Europe. Today, the assigned target is a factory in Northern France at Lille, making aircraft parts for Messerschmidts. An easy mission...But the pilots of the Jagdflieger are equally determined to send these upstart Yankees home with their tails between their legs...
Lt. William Lindley, Pilot of a B-17, 95th Bomber Group  "within seconds the Luftwaffe fighters appeared. There were so many more black dots on the horizon, thicker than the gnats around the rear end of a camel. About the time I made the turn from the I.P. toward the target, heavy and accurate flak began bursting among our formation; the fighters pulled in front of us. The flak looked awesome but the FW190`s and Me109`s would put the fear of God into anyone. To see them attack head-on from the twelve o`clock position with their wings flaring and smoking from their machine gun fire is frightful to say the least. Awesome, particularly when one realized they are firing directly at us.For the next fifteen minutes I was in a state of absolute and incredulous shock. Between the exploding flak shells, the burning aircraft going down, excited voices yelling over the radio, and those concentrated and continuous fighter attacks, I spent half the time with my head in my steel helmet ducked down behind the instrument panel. The aircraft was on automatic flight control equipment, being steered by the bombardier. He managed to get the bombs away over the target area."
Country Percentages:
40% Luftwaffe  
P-47D11 50% 
B-17G 50% (formations)  
B17 roll from A10. P47s roll from A12. Attack A50. All objects on the field are valid targets.  
Like most Snapshots this is a single life event. B-17 pilots may reup as "gunners" only. B17`s must salvo their bombs. That is an individual B17 must drop all its bombs simultaneously. All B17`s in a formation do not have to all drop their bombs simultaneously. P-47`s must rendezvous with B17`s over England. They must then stay within vis dot range of the B17`s until enemy dots are spotted. B-17`s or P-47`s may not refuel or re-arm. P-47?s must roll with 100% fuel. No bombs or rockets. B-17's may choose 75% fuel.  
109G6 50%
190A5 50%
109's roll from A50 190's roll from A63  
109's and 190's must roll with 100% fuel. Any gun package. LW pilots may not cross the 14 line until enemy is spotted.

Victory Conditions:
Fighters - 10 points each
Bombers - 25 points each
Fighter and Bomber Hangers - 60 points each
Ammo and Fuel - 10 points each
Ack - 2 points each
Arena Settings
1. Terrain - BOB4
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Radar - Off
4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 79,200 about 15 miles
5. Tower Range - 79,200 (for display to aid players, set to match the above setting)
6. Visibility - 13 miles
7. Wind - None
8. External view for bombers (F3) - On
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Enemy Collisions - On
11. Kill Shooter - Off
12. Fuel - 1.5
13. Ack - .8
14. Time - 0700 X2
Designer Notes
There may not be time for a 2nd Frame.  
CM Notes
Suggest start time of 0700 and have the time X2. Make sure buff pilots use formations. Jump all Task Groups out of the area. Prior to D-Day. All fields in France should be German and all in England should be English.  
Design By
Buzzbait and Daddog

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