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Screen shot by Tinmanx4

The B-17 was the most enjoyable aircraft I ever flew. I arrived in the UK an experienced B-17 pilot and used the B-17 on every kind of Scouting Force job: weather recon, photo recon, dropping lifeboats, air and sea rescue. At Wormingfold the P-51 Mustang pilots used to do peel ups great swoops over the runway- before landing, so we did the same in a B-17 until the CO put a stop to it, saying it would be his butt if some bigwheel saw us landing like that.

I flew 30 missions with the 833rd Bomb Squadron, 486th Bomb Group and in that time I lost all my officers to enemy action by the 6th mission.

Quoted from Dave Mullen; The Bomber War, by Robin Neillands.


Country Percentages
LW 40% (Knight)
American 60% (Rook)

Allies Units:
B-17 33%
P-38L 33%
P-51D 33%

All aircraft spawn south from A73. This will give them an airstart of 20k.

B-17s are to proceed to Frankfurt (12.12 area) and bomb A4, the city, and the radar factory.
P-38's and P-51s are to escort the B-17s to their targets.

P-38s and P-51s must carry drop tanks and 100% fuel.
B-17s have an alt CAP of 20k.
Players have a 90 minute frame and may use as many lives as the need.

Axis Units:
Fw-190D 33%
Fw-190A8 33%
Me-109G14 33%

All aircraft are to spawn south from A28. This will give them an airstart of 20k. They are to intercept or fly CAP over the 3 targets in the 12.12 sector, A4, the city, and the radar factory.

Fw190's and Me109's must carry drop tanks and 100% fuel.
Interceptors may try to intercept the buff formations prior to the 12.12 sector or may fly CAP over the 12.12 targets.
Players have a 90 minute frame and may use as many lives as the need.



Victory Conditions
P-38 - 10
P-51 - 10
B-17 - 25
Fw190 - 10
Me109 - 10
Hangers - 10
Radar - 5
Fuel - 5
Ammo - 5
Barracks - 5
Ack - 1
All other objects/building 3 points each.

Arena Settings

  1. Terrain - ahrhine2
  2. Icon Range - Short
  3. Radar - Off
  4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 about 10 miles
  5. Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to match the above setting)
  6. Visibility - 12 miles
  7. Wind - 180 degrees at 10 knots. 10k to 30k
  8. External view for bombers (F3) - On
  9. Friendly Collisions - Off
  10. Enemy Collisions - On
  11. Kill Shooter - Off
  12. Fuel - 2.0
  13. Ack - .4
  14. Time - 9:00 X2
  15. Formations - On
  16. Manned ack - Off

*Players have multiple lives.

Designer Notes
In this particular Snapshot players have as many lives as they choose in a 1 hour time period. This Snapshot will last 90 minutes and will not have a 2nd frame.

 Design By
daddog & 68Falcon



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