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January 1944 Italy 


Screen shot by daddog 

The plan behind the Anzio landing was for the U.S. VI Corps under Major-General John Lucas to land behind the German lines at the same time that the frontal assault on Cassino was being launched in January 1944. Advancing rapidly inland VI Corps was to cut German communications between Rome and Cassino, and either isolate the German Tenth Army or compel it to abandon the western end of the Gustav Line. The Operation was a failure. The fist landing took place on the 22nd of January, most of the 50,000 troops were ashore within the next two days. Instead of pressing inland Lucas decided to wait for his heavy artillery and tanks, and meanwhile dig in to consolidate the beach head. Not so much as a reconnaissance in force did he venture. The Germans, as usual reacted swiftly.

The Cassell Atlas of the Second World War


Country Percentages
LW 60% (Knight)
Allied 40% (Bishop)

Allies Units:
P-38J 100%

Roll from A110 with 100% fuel and defend the troop housing (3 small towns near Anzio, Sector 8,13) from attack. The landing craft are not targets (V102, V103 and V104)


Axis Units:
C205 ~ 70%
Ju-88 with formations ~ 30%

Roll A88 and attack the troops dug in near Anzio. (3 small towns near Anzio, Sector 8,13) from attack. The landing craft are not targets (V102, V103 and V104)




Victory Conditions
P-38 - 10
C205 - 10
JU88 - 20
Town buildings - 2

Arena Settings

  1. Terrain - Italy
  2. Icon Range - Short
  3. Radar - Off
  4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 about 10 miles
  5. Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to match the above setting)
  6. Visibility - 17 miles
  7. Wind - None
  8. External view for bombers (F3) - On
  9. Friendly Collisions - Off
  10. Enemy Collisions - On
  11. Kill Shooter - Off
  12. Fuel - 2.0
  13. Ack - .3
  14. Time - 10:00 X2
  15. Formations - On

Designer Notes
If there is time for a 2nd frame suggest 109G6 defend A65 from B-26s and P-51Bs

CM Notes
Suggest Allied Bishop and Axis Knight, but the Setup CM might find an easier rotation. Warn players of any strat objects that might not match the rotation.

Make sure Allies understand they will have to head directly to sector 8,13 if they want to insure they beat the Axis to the target.

Design By
James "daddog" Glazier

updated 08/10/2013 by 68Raptor


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