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Sun Rise Over Libya




Artist Credit: daddog screen shot 

4 April, 1941 06:00

Soon after the arrival of General Irwin Rommel in February of 1941, the atmosphere of Northern Africa heats up higher than the coming spring desert temperatures. Within several weeks of Rommel's new assignment in Northern Africa , The Afrika Korps is knocking at the walls of Tobruk and relying on the Luftwaffe for support. The Port of Tobruk is a target rich location not only for the reduction of the city, but to hit the sea supply lines to and from Malta . The air weapons of the Blitzkrieg including the BF109E, JU87 "Stuka" and JU88 are assigned as combined arms against Tobruk.

RAF 247 Squadron is no newcomer to combat in Africa after being one of the first groups to be fitted with all Hurricanes. The squadron has done well for itself up to now and is counted on to help defend against Rommel's big push.




Country Percentages
LW 60% (Bishop)
RAF 40% (Rooks)

Allies Units:
RAF 247 Squadron 
Hurricane I 100%

Roll from A11 and defend the strat targets in sector 4.1


Axis Units:
JG27 - BF109E 33% (A53)
Ju88's without formations  33% (A1)
Stukas 33% (A144)

Roll from fields 1, 53 and 144 to attack any strat targets in sector 4.1


Ju88's may not use formations.
BF109E's must roll A53
Ju88's must roll A1
Stuka's must roll A144



Victory Conditions
Hurricane - 10
Me109 - 10 JU87 - 15
JU88 - 20
Ground Objects - 1


Arena Settings

  1. Terrain - Italy
  2. Icon Range - Short
  3. Radar - Off
  4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 about 10 miles
  5. Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to match the above setting)
  6. Visibility - 17 miles
  7. Wind - South West 2000 to 6000 at 10 knots
  8. External view for bombers (F3) - On
  9. Friendly Collisions - Off
  10. Enemy Collisions - On
  11. Kill Shooter - Off
  12. Fuel - 1.5
  13. Ack - .3
  14. Time - 0600 X2
  15. Formations - Off

Designer Notes
RAF and LW may use any friendly field to RTB or reload Fuel loads decided by country C/O


CM Notes

Design By

Hening 880FAA. Edited/updated by daddog.


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