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Artist Credit: daddog screen shot
During the fall of 1943. B-24 Liberators of the army Air Force pound the harbor and docks of Rabaul
whilst the Marines Corps pilots of VMF-214 - the famous Black Sheep Squadron - provide top cover
in their F4U Corsairs. Japanese A6m5s scramble to intercept and destroy the incoming bombers and
their fighter escort.
Country Percentages
American - 40% 
Japanese - 60% 
B24 Liberator 40% 
F4U-1 60% 
B-24's roll A98 and bomb A70 (Rabaul) Use Formations.
F4U-1 roll A3. Meet up and provide close escort for B-24's to Rabaul
B-24's must carry 8-1000lb bombs
F4U-1's must carry 100% fuel and Drop tanks
Max alt of 20k for buffs and escorts till the enemy is spotted.
A6M5 50%
Ki-61 50%
A6M5's and Ki-61's roll A70 with 100% fuel and drop tanks. CAP A70.
Must stay in the 10,14 - 10,15 & 11,14 - 11,15 sectors till the enemy is spotted.
Max alt of 20k till the enemy is spotted. A6M's and Ki's must take Drop tanks.
Victory Conditions:
Fighters - 10 points each
Bombers - 20 points each
Fighter and Bomber Hangers - 60 points each
Ammo and Fuel - 20 points each
Ack - 5 points each
Arena Settings
1.   Terrain The - NewBrit
2.   Icon Range - Short
3.   Radar - Off
4.   Fighter and bomber warning range - 79,200
5.   Tower warning range - 79,200 feet
6.   Visibility - 13 miles
7.   Wind - North West 3000-14000 at 15 knots
8.   External view for bombers (F3) - on
9.   Friendly Collisions - off
10. Enemy Collisions - on
11. Kill Shooter - on
12. Fuel 1.5
13. Ack .8
14. Time - 0530 X2 
Designer Notes

CM Notes
Suggest start time of 0530 and have the time X2. Make sure American buff pilots use formations of 3.
Jump all Task Groups out of the area. Numbers will favor the IJN, but the buff formations will be tough on the light Zero's. Co alt merge should help keep things even.
Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier
Updated 02/2012 by 68Raptor

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