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Race Tracks

Season 14 Race 12 Notchisan's Homecoming

Season 14 Race 12   Notchisan?s Homecoming

Event will run Tuesday, 10 February, 2009

10:00 Eastern, 9:00 Central, 8:00 Mountain and 7:00 Pacific time

Previous Runnings: None

Hosted by HB555

Designed by: JVNotch

Plane Choice: BMathis

Sponsored by: AHXARL

Terrain: Japan

Country: Bishop

Start Field: V123

Vox Channel: 200

Plane: N1K2-J

Fuel Burn: 2.0

Fuel Load: Your Choice

Takeoff: Hanger (H)

Views Enabled: F1, F3 External and F5 God?s Eye

Heats: 3

Laps Per Heat: 6

Start: Standard Gullgutz

Finish: Flying, under bridge end of lap 6


Spawn H from V123. Shut off engine. Start film (alt r).

CM will call for engine start.

CM will fire gun, vox and text GOGOGO. (You may now take off however you wish)

Make left as necessary to fly between and below tops of Radio (radar) Towers.

Locate, and fly by, 1st Water Tower, keeping it to your left and below the top of it.

Locate, and fly to 2nd Water Tower, making a right turn around, and below the top of it.

Continue to Imperial Palace . This is the one story white building inside the ?moat?.

Circle left, staying outside the edge of the Imperial Palace building.

Continue left to locate 3rd Water Tower behind factory building.

Circle right around this Water Tower to locate 4th Water Tower, keeping it on your right.

A slight left will put you between 4 Factory Buildings on your left and 3 Radio Towers on your right.

Make hard right after 3rd Radio Tower to keep 4th Water Tower on your left.

A hard left after Radio Tower will put you between two ships. Stay below the Masts.

Circle right to fly between the next two ships bow and stern respectively. Stay below as before.

Go left, locate and fly under Bridge to end lap, or race the 6th time.

Lap two begins by missing building right behind bridge, going right, and rejoining course by again flying below the tops of, and between, the first two Radio (radar) Towers.

Special Note of Explanation:

Due to the many towers, smoke stacks and other objects that you find between the named turn point objects,

you may go on either side or above any of them.

All Named Turn Point Objects must be taken on the side described, or between if so stated, and below the tops of them.

Flat turns will be observed at all locations with one exception, and that is the area after passing the two parallel ships and before passing between the two in line ships. Yoyos in this area are at pilot?s discretion.













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