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SSN 4 RND 3 The SASFRAS Remix Runabout



Season 4, Round 3

I, JVnotch, will be your Watchman & will be hosting this event on 
the new Racing terrain, Race10 . 
Our base  for Sunday, April 10th will be A17 on Rooks side. 
I would like to thank Skulls22 for another great track and 
let everyone know that this will be a night time event, so no need
to wear your Raybans!
(If you have not downloaded already,I should be able to have the 
SEA 1 loaded by early Sunday morning)

The plane will be the RV-8 with fuel set to .5 .
(type  '  .plane 89  '  in the hangar, then goto tower, 
then back to hangar & it should be there!)
Racing Radio Frequency shall be 217
4:55pm EST- an announcement over all arena's for practice of SASFRAS
5:00pm EST- Parade laps lead by your Watchman begin
6:45pm EST- Racers confident enough to try, will be bracketed   
7:00pm EST- Starting time



Competitors will be randomly paired up & bracketed before the race begins by Watchman.
Each pair will be racing against each other and the winner of that bracket will be determined by the 
quickest time. The winner of each bracket will advance to the next bracket.
The event time keeper(the Watchman) will call each racer onto the course by saying "Racer (name), you are 
cleared to enter the SASFRAS Course,Good Luck!", at which time the racer will fly to the starting gate.
Time will start when the racer has passed through the starting gate. Also the racer must turn smoke on & 
announce "Smoke on" as they are entering the course. Failure to do either of these will result in a time
penalty for each violation.
The racer will navigate the course as quickly and correctly to have their time ended at the Finish gate.
Smoke being turned off, followed by the announcement of "smoke off" will symbolize the successfull 
completion of the course at the finnish gate.
Each racer's time will be computed immediately after the completed run and announced by the 


The SASFRAS Remix Runabout

1.   All pilots will take off from A17 .
Once the signal to lift off is given, Racer have two options.  1) They may orbit in an "UP NEXT" 
area SW of A17 or,       2) They may practice at A16(a duplicate course)
Warning:  If you crash while on the practice course, during the round, I will be leaving
you in the tower until you are up next in the rotation
2.  The starting gate will be the pair of green pylons at the SW corner & is where our pilot 
must turn smoke on & announce "Smoke on". This will start the clock running.
3.   Once thru the starting gate, our Racer shall execute an immediate left turn to line up 
on the entrance to the VH round about.
4.   The pair of yellow pylons at the VH will be entered, & a left turn initiated to setup for a 
right 180º around the VH to exit the yellow pylons.
5.  Upon exiting the VH round about, turn left and get ready to enter the blue pylon quad.
6.  At the blue pylon quad, starting from SE to NW execute a 270º left turn to exit NE to SW.
7.   The next obstacle will be a set of 3 red pylons near the starting gate. The opening
manuever to the chicane through these pylons will start at the SW end & is 
instigated with a left, then a right, then a left.
8.    Proceed to & through the fighter hangar yellow pylons.
9.   Head to & through the water tower yellow pylons. 
10.   Our racers must locate the yellow goal post located near the tower. Fly through &
 perform a Half Cuban Eight to pass back through the yellow goal post.
11.   After exiting the yellow goal post, our pilot simply must run the course in
reverse order to finish.
12.   Proceed through the Green pylons to finish. This is  where
our pilot will announce "Smoke Off" and turn off smoke.
13.   At courses end, all penalties will be assessed and our racer will be told  their
The 'Watchman'  has final say over the time of each racer. Lag will not be considered in the final 
assessment of overall time announcements
A knife-edge manuever is accomplish by flying with the wings perpindicular to the ground while in forward 
motion. As a reference, level flight is when the wings are parralel to the ground in forward motion.
2 seconds for not turning smoke on
2 seconds for not announcing "Smoke on"
2 seconds for missing an obstacle
2 seconds for breaking altitude restrictions
2 seconds for high-sticking
2 seconds for not turning smoke off
2 seconds for not announcing "Smoke off"
Crashing once will be at the mercy of your fellow racers to decide if you can proceed 
Crashing twice will disqualify a racer for that heat.
5 minutes or more on the course will disqualify a racer for that heat.
Entering course without knowledge or permission of the watchman will disqualify the racer for the duration of 
the race

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