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Fun Fly on Fireworks Fandango

Fireworks Fandango

I, JVnotch, will be your Watchman & host in the SEA1. 

Our map for Sunday, January 9th is gonna be the OZKansas map.

4:55pm EST- an announcement over all arena's for practice of SASFRAS

5:00pm EST- Parade laps lead by your Watchman begin
6:45pm EST- Racers confident enough to try, will be bracketed   
7:00pm EST- Starting time

Below is the map, with a brief description of where we will be lifting off from alt
I will be jumping CV203 to a point North of the Fuel Depot for take off. It should be an awesome lift off
___________________S A S F R A S____________________
Sunday, January 9th's race course will be at the 
Bishops Fuel Depot in Downtown OZKansas!
The plane will be the RV-8 with fuel set to .5 .
(type  '  .plane 89  '  in the hangar, then goto
tower, then back to hangar & it should be there!)
Racing Radio Frequency shall be 109
Parade laps will start around 5pm EST. The brackets
will be set by 6:45pm EST. Starting promptly at 7pm 
Take off will be mass take off from the deck of the carrier USS Kaboom(CV193) & assemble in designated 
holding area South of the Bishop Fuel Depot. To ensure a proper lift-off, your Watchman will be jumping the 
Task Group to it's starting point. It's a little bit, not much, of a ride to the holding area, so everyone 
tinkle before ya take-off  :)
Competitors will be randomly paired up & bracketed before the race begins by Watchman.
Each pair will be racing against each other and the winner of that bracket will be determined by the 
quickest time. The winner of each bracket will advance to the next bracket.
The event time keeper(the Watchman) will call each racer onto the course by saying "Racer (name), you are 
cleared to enter the SASFRAS Course,Good Luck!", at which time the racer will fly to the starting gate.
Time will start when the racer has passed through the starting gate. Also the racer must turn smoke on & 
announce "Smoke on" as they are entering the course. Failure to do either of these will result in a time
penalty for each violation.
The racer will navigate the course as quickly and correctly to have their time ended at the Finish gate.
Smoke being turned off, followed by the announcement of "smoke off" will symbolize the successfull 
completion of the course at the finnish gate.
Each racer's time will be computed immediately after the completed run and announced by the 
The second competitor, of the pair, will be called onto the course in the same manner as the first.
Fireworks Fandango Instructions
1.   When racer is announce onto the course, one at a time, said pilot will proceed to the starting set of 
stand alone fuel tanks on the SW end of the fuel depot. While passing between these fuel tanks, on a
Northerly heading the pilot must turn smoke on & announce "Smoke on". This will start the clock
2.   Once thru the Starting gate the racer will procede to the 1st quad gate in the NW corner where a 
tight as possible left turn of 270 deg will need to be done to finish the cross pattern through the 1st 
quad gate.
3.   The next gate will be the end pair of fuel tanks in line with the quad gate. This particular gate will
require a knife-edge manuever be performed to not incurr a penalty of 2 sec.
4.   Now that those gates have been traversed, veer slightly to the right to line up for the 2nd left turn
quad gate in the NE corner. Once the cross over has been accomplished, fly through the end pa
5.   Once the cross over has been accomplished at the 2nd quad gate,continue on through the end
pair of fuel tanks in line with the 2nd quad gate. A knife-edge is NOT required here, just procede
to the next turn pylon.
6.   The next turn pylon will be a fuel station on the SE corner. Making a sweeping left turn, our daring
pilot will rerun the course in reverse.
7.   The final sweeping right turn will line the racer up with the finish line gate. As the racer exits this 
gate, they must turn off smoke and announce "Smoke off".
This will stop the clock.
8.   After penalties have been added in, the pilot that was on the course will be told their time.
The 'Watchman'  has final say over the time of each racer. Lag will not be considered in the final 
assessment of overall time announcements
A knife-edge manuever is accomplish by flying with the wings perpindicular to the ground while in
forward motion. As a reference, level flight is when the wings are parralel to the ground in forward
2 seconds for not turning smoke on
2 seconds for not announcing "Smoke on"
2 seconds for missing an obstacle
2 seconds for breaking altitude restrictions
2 seconds for high-sticking
2 seconds for not turning smoke off
2 seconds for not announcing "Smoke off"
Crashing twice(2 times) will disqualify a racer for that heat. 
5 minutes or more on the course will disqualify a 
racer for that heat.
Entering course without knowledge or permission of the
watchman will disqualify the racer for the duration of 
the race.

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