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SSN 1 RND 1-5 Standard Track



Standard Rules
Take off will be mass take off & assemble in designated holding area.

Competitors will be randomly paired up & bracketed before the race begins
by race officials.

Each pair will be racing against each other and the winner of that bracket will
be determined by the quickest time. The winner of each bracket will advance to the
next bracket.

The event time keeper(the Watchman) will call each racer onto the course by saying
"Racer (name), you are cleared to enter the SASFRAS Course, Good Luck!", at which
time the racer will fly to the starting gate.

Time will start when the racer has passed through the starting gate. Also the racer
must turn smoke on & announce "Smoke on" as they are entering the course. Failure
to do either of these will result in a time penalty for each violation.

The racer will navigate the course as quickly and correctly to have their time ended at
 the Finish gate. Smoke being turned off, followed by the announcement of "smoke off"
will symbolize the successfull completion of the course at the finnish gate.

Each racer's time will be computed immediately after the completed run and announced
by the Watchman.

The second competitor, of the pair, will be called onto the course in the same manner as
the first.

Large Air Field

1.     When racer is announce onto the course, one at a time, said pilot will proceed to
the starting set of hangars. The starting hangars are on the small pad and are the 2(two)
bomber hangars. While passing these hangars the pilot must turn on smoke on & announce
"Smoke on". This will start the clock running.

2.   The next markers will be a set of triples, which requires the pilot to enter with the first
fire pillar on the left. Chicaning throw the next two pillars will have you coming out in a left
hand turn.

3.   Sweeping left, acquire and pass through the gate formed by the offset fighter hangar
and ammo bunker.    This pass requires the pilot to perform a knife-edge maneuver.

4.   Continuing to the Big Pad, another knife-edge maneuver is required between the
fighter hangars.

5.   Turning right around the bomber hangar, the pilot will pass between both bomber
hangars (right) & both fighter hangars(left).

6.   The next gate is an ammo bunker(on the right) & a fuel bunker(on the left). In a right
turn(clockwise), go around the vehicle hangar and exit back through the ammo bunker-fuel
bunker gate.

7.   On the far side(south side)of the triples navigated earlier, is a pair of fuel bunkers. This
gate is the turn-around gate. After passing through the said gate, the pilot will perform a
Chandelle maneuver to pass back through the turn-around gate. This is where the pilot will
begin a reverse track back through course.

8.   Once the return pass through the turn-around gate is accomplished, the pilot will go
through the fuel bunker-ammo-bunker gate.

9.   Making a left turn(counter-clockwise) around vehicle hangar to exit in a left turn toward
the big pad hangars.

10.   After passing between both bomber hangars(on the left) & both fighter hangars(on the right)
, sweep left in a 270 degree turn to pass between the fighter hangars. Again a knife-edge
manuever is required here.

11.   Proceed to the offset fighter hangar(right) & the ammo bunker(left). This is also knife-
edge gate.

12.   The next set of gates will be the triple, which will require the pilot to enter the last(now first)
gate on the right of the plane. Chicane the next 2(two) pillars.

13.   Pass through the finishing bomber hangars on the little pad. As the racer exits this gate,
they must turn off smoke and announce "Smoke off".  This will stop the clock.

14.   After penalties have been added in, the pilot that was on the course will be told their time.

The 'Watchman'  has final say over the time of each racer. Lag will not be considered in the final
assessment of overall time announcements

A knife-edge manuever is accomplish by flying with the wings perpindicular to the ground
while in forward motion. As a reference, level flight is when the wings are parralel to the ground
in forward motion

The Chandelle is a very specific manuever. It is performed by pulling back on the stick &
initiating a loop. Instead of continuing through the loop to level out, the pilot will roll the plane 180
degrees on the back, diving side of the loop. Done correctly, the pilot will be heading 180 degrees
from the direction entered from


2 seconds for not turning smoke on
2 seconds for not announcing "Smoke on"
5 seconds for missing an obstacle
2 seconds for breaking altitude restrictions
2 seconds for high-sticking
2 seconds for not turning smoke off
2 seconds for not announcing "Smoke off"

Crashing will disqualify a racer for that heat.
5 minutes or more on the course will disqualify a racer for that heat.
Entering course without knowledge or permission of the watchman will disqualify the racer for the
duration of the race.

For offline practice:

You will first need to set down times for the objects you are about to blow up for the course.
You can accomplish this in offline play by choosing options>arena setup>object settings. At this
menu, set each of the following to 60,000 mins:
Bomb Hgr
Bunk Ammo
Bunk Fuel
Ftr Hgr
Veh Hgr
This should keep the objects down long enough to practice Smiley

Now to blow up the appropriate buildings choose options>arena setup>destroy objects. Here is
a list of the stuff you need to destroy:
This should set up the gates for your course off-line.
The fuel burn for these courses shall be .5   That way it should be about the pilot speed as
opposed to the plane setup

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