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ERL S4R6 "The Fandango Redo"

Enduro Race League Season 4 Race 6
"The Fandango Redo 300"
Event will run Sunday, February 19th, 2012  
              9:00 PM Eastern
              8:00 PM Central
              7:00 PM Mountain
              6:00 PM Pacific
Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the course.
Track Design by KAZ
Hosted by Marshal & KAZ
Plane Choice by badger8---A6M5B
Pole Setter --- MK84

Terrain - Race10
Start Field – A19 (Knights map 15,12,3)
Vox/Text – Both 200
Aircraft - A6M5B 
Fuel Burn Rate - 5.0
Fuel Load Out – Racers Choice
Takeoff – SE Runway - GullGutz type of start
Views Enabled – F1, F3 (External) and F5 (Gods Eye)
Laps - 30
Pitstops - 2 Mandatory rearms after lap 1 ends and before
lap 30 starts, rearms MUST be spaced at least a lap apart
(no double rearms).  If you crash while rearming you may
up a new palne and rearm without taking off.
Start Type – GullGutz
Flying Finish through Fighter hanger
Special Enviroment Settings:
Time of race in arena 15:00 at start (x 1)
Course Description:

 1  Take off SE
 2  Fly between the Radar tower & the Yellow Pylon
 3  Turn Right around the Yellow Pylon
 4  Right turn around Red Pylon
 5  Through the Bomber Hanger
 6  Left around the Blue Pylon
 7  and through the Right side fighter hanger
   (yes the little one, This is the Start/Finish hanger)
 8  Fly between the Radar tower/Water tower
 9  Right around the Water tower to the Town flag
10   Right around the Town flag
    (which will be White on the last lap)
    and rejoin the course at the Red Pylon
All markers are of course height markers, a little high
on the town flag is OK.  Anything not mentioned is
an obstacle and should be avoided.
The lines on the map are just suggestions.  The 
Goalpost are not markers.
 Remember to rearm twice!  All pads are open.
If you crash, just get another plane and keep trying. 
It is all about the finish.

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