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ERL S4R2 The "Fly to Live 1800"

 Heavy Metal Sunday presents:
     September 18th, 2011
 Enduro Racing League
      Season 4 Race 2
 The "Fly to Live 1800"
            SEA #1
         9:00 pm Eastern
         8:00 pm Central
         7:00 pm Mountain
         6:00 pm Pacific
Designed by : KAZ
Hosted by : KAZ & SheGotYa
Terrain - race10 
Start Field – Bishop A51 (map 14-6-7)
Vox/Text – 200
Aircraft - Spitfire XIV chosen by Lepape2
Fuel Burn Rate - 1.0
Takeoff – North East
Views Enabled –F1, F3(External)
    and F5(Gods Eye)
Polesitter - DMSatan
Heats – 1
Laps per Heat - 18
Finish - Flying Finish between field Radar tower and
         Water tower
Rearm - none

Course Description:  This will be a collisions on race. 
After the leader passes through the finish gate at the end of lap

one I will turn collisions on and they will remain on for
the rest of the race.  All markers are height markers, 
a little high at the flag is OK but all else below. 

 1. Take Off Northeast

 2. Fly ahead and left around/past the first Shore

 3. Fly ahead past the next three Shore batteries, all
    go by on your left

 4. Turn hard left after the last Shore Battery and

 5. Turn Right around the town flag

 6. From here you have a choice, there are four field
    hangers - 3 you can fly through (pick one and fly
    through it) or if you fly all the way to the last
    hanger you simply fly left (and low) around it -
 7. Then pass through the Radar Tower/Water Tower
    gate.  This is the finish line and ends the lap.

    18 times through to finish the race.
    If you crash on any lap you must repeat
    the lap you were on and you may only takeoff
    from the Northeast Runway
    Good Luck Enduro Racers and remember*
    in an Enduro race it is all about the finish!
    The advantage goes to the pilot that does not crash!
    If you are following someone and you are faster, you
    may have to steer off or even pull back on your
    throttle. (hint)


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