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ERL S3R10 "Tri-Oval-Thon"

    Heavy Metal Sunday presents:
     Enduro Racing League Finale
               Season 3 Race 10
***Please read the details below in order***
***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***
Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the event.

                           SEA #1
                    10:30 Eastern
                      9:30 Central
                      8:30 Mountain
                      7:30 Pacific
Designed by: Marshal
Hosted by: Marshal & SheGotYa
Terrain: Race10
Vehicle: Jeep
Aircraft: P-51D Mustang
Finish: Pilot Bail
Start Field: "Jeep" A26
Start Field: P-51D A25
Vox/Text: 200
Fuel Burn Rate: 2.0
Takeoff: Jeep A26 Tower Launch
         P-51D A25 North East
Views Enabled: F1, F3(External)
         and F5(Gods Eye)
Polesitter: Trox
Heats: 1
Laps per Heat (Jeep): 1
Laps per Heat (p51D): 10
Finish: Bail, run and enter map room
**Pilot MUST ENTER map room**
Check maps for visual

Course Description:
Launch Jeep From Tower On "GO"
Drive to red pylons
   (your choice on route)
Follow sand trail staying between
   red pylons
Drive through red goal post
Continue on sand trail up hill to
Stay to the right of the runway
   following sand trail
Continue on sand trail down hill
   drive through yellow goal post
Follow sand trail staying between
   yellow pylons
Head to SW rearm pad at A25
MANDATORY successful landing ON the rearm pad
Immediate take off North East in p51D Mustang
from A25
Follow sand trail through mountains staying
below tops
Continue following sand trail between yellow
pylons staying below the tops
Continue following sand trail fly between red
pylons staying below the tops
Follow sand trail through mountains staying below
Fly through red pylons staying below the tops
Fly through red goal post
Fly up hill staying to the left of blue pylon 1
Stay to the right of blue pylon 3
Stay to the left of blue pylon 4
Fly down hill through yellow goal post
Fly between yellow pylons staying below the tops
Fly to A25
Fly through two story checkered roof barn
10th. time through barn completes the laps
Fly to A25 town for bail, run and enter maproom to
complete race
*NOTE* CM Eye Mode will be enabled.
You will have to set up CM-Eye for it to work, here's how.
There are a few ways of course but it is easier to set up
a 'Mode 3' and use your joystick buttons and throttle.
1) Go into Options > Controls > Map Controllers
2) Open the Mode Selection menu, select 'Mode 3'
3) Hit the 'Copy Mode 1' button
4) Select Button 0, set to 'View CM Eye Move Forward'
5) Select Button 1, set to 'View CM Eye Move Backward'
6) Select Button 2, set to 'View CM Eye Move Map'
7) Go to 'Map Keys' and set an available key to select
Mode 3.
I personally set it to the * on the keypad.
However, there are other keys you can use, but be careful
not to reset one that you use for something else. A "that 
button is in use. Do you want to remap it" message will
pop up if the button you wish to use is already in use.
CM Eye should now work.
Hit F5 from the Tower, then your key to enter Mode 3.
The combination of using your joysticks buttons 0, 1 and 2
and using your joystick in the normal push, pull, left and
right will move you around in CM Eye. It does take some
time getting used to using it..Your throttle controls how
fast you move.
I suggest setting this up prior to the event as you can see it
takes a little bit of time and you will want to make sure it
works and get used to the movement before you need to
use it.

Good Luck!

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