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ERL S2R7 Thunder Bolt 1100

Thunder Bolt 1100

Event will run Sunday, February 21st. 2010 

9:00 PM Eastern
8:00 PM Central
7:00 PM Mountain
6:00 PM Pacific

Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the course.

Hosted by Marshal & SheGotYa

Plane Choice by Lepape2 --- P47-D40
Pole Setter --- LePape2

Terrain - N Sea
Start Field ? A87 (ROOK)
Vox/Text ? Both 200
Aircraft - P47-D40
Fuel Burn Rate - 2.25
Fuel Load Out ? Racers Choice
Takeoff ? Northeast
Views Enabled ? F1, F3 (External) and F5 (Gods Eye)
Laps - 11
Pitstops - 1 Mandatory

Start Type ? COLD GullGutz
Flying Finish Upon Exit Double BH
Special Environment Settings:
Time of race in arena 05:45


Course Description:

1. Take Off on NE runway

2. Make a right turn past the field water tower

3. Fly between the town radar towers

4. Make a left turn around the town water tower

5. Fly under city bridge

6. Head for the HQ

7. Make a Left turn around the HQ, you may high yo yo as this
is a gate turn using the HQ and the water/radar towers

8. Head back to the field and fly through the Double BH
 heading S-N.

This is the finish line and the end of the lap


Pitstop Rules:

Pitting may occur only after passing through the double BH
all rearm pads are open
Racers must receive a  "successful rearm" message
After pitting, you may take off any direction and head to the town

Logs will be reviewed to verify all racers pitstops and fuel loadouts

All attempts must be made to successfully land and rearm. if you crash (or other mechanical problems) while attempting to land and rearm, you may re up and taxi to the nearest pad to receive your message


If you crash at any time, a 2 pt penalty will assessed
You may re up immediately on the NE runway and rejoin the race.
You will repeat the the lap you actually crashed on
You may not rearm if the crash occurred when not attempting to pit
You will be considered as completing a lap if crash at any point in the double BH's

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