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Blitzkrieg Golfers Goofy Games by HMS

Golfer's Goofy Games With SheGotYa's Pizzazz

GV portion

6:30 PM Eastern
5:30 PM Central
4:30 PM Mountain
3:30 PM Pacific

Preregistration is NOT required but reading the
arena message IS. Please review the arena message
before asking the CM questions about the frame.

Previous Runnings:By Golfer periodically inbetween AHXARL seasons

Designed by:Golfer

Hosted by:4440 & SheGotYa with help from Marshal
Sponsored by:Heavy Metal Sunday


***Please read the details below in order***
***to cut down on unnecessary questions. ***

Terrain - ndisles
Vox/Text ? Both 200

First game:
"Gunfight at the O-K Fighter Hangar."  Everyone ups in the FH in
the plane that is enabled. You will then bail out of the plane
and select a position in the hanger with your 45 pistol aimed to
the center of the hanger. The hanger will then be destroyed and
restored. Once the hanger is restored you either kill or be killed.
Last man/woman standing wins the round. We will play several rounds.


Second game:
"Whack-A-Mole" Players line up at a (designated) open GV spawn area
in panzers armed with AP rounds. The mole will spawn an M3 or jeep
in relatively rapid succession and at the end ... highest number of
kills...wins! There may be more then one "duck" to aim at. After
several rounds winner is the tank with the most "ducks" shot.

Third game:
"Duck Hunt" a select few will be flying the RV-8 to the best of
their ability to dodge your Wirblewind fire.


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