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Big Week "Operation Argument 1944" Frame 2

Operation Argument



'The Big Week', (executed under the official name Operation Argument), was a series of maximum effort raids, over a six-day period (hence the name) starting February 20, 1944,
that targeted the Luftwaffe's production facilities. These included key airframe and final assembly facilities of single and twin-engine fighters, as well as anti-friction bearing facilities.
The Allies calculated that the destruction of these target groups would reduce front-line fighter strength more rapidly than others previously attacked.

Allied leaders hoped that Operation Argument, by taking advantage of increased numbers, coordinated attack, and tactics that utilized long-range escorts (P-38s, P-47s and P-51s
all with extended-ranged fuel tanks), would draw the Luftwaffe up to the bombers and into the talons of these long-range escorts. If that failed, Allied fighters were now allowed
to rove the skies looking for the Luftwaffe. Simultaneously, daylight raids by both the 8th and the 15th AFs would coordinate with RAF Bomber Command's night attacks in an
effort to overwhelm German defenders.

Argument was a success. Not only were production facilities being smashed but also now the Luftwaffe was hunted in its own home. Defeat was on the horizon for the once mighty
Luftwaffe. The first steps in the Allied campaign to gain aerial superiority for the D-Day invasion was complete.

Battle Elements and Event Schedule

• August 12th – Regensburg
• August 19th – Bernburg
• August 26th – Frankfurt

Each frame starts at 8pm in the UK, 9pm in France/Germany, 10pm in Finland/Estonia and 3pm EST. The planned length of a single frame is 2 hours.

This is a UNLIMITED life event.



B-17 Bomber Mission


Frame II


For this attack, U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe massed 1,180 operational B-17 and B-24 bombers, as well as 676 operational P-47, P-38, and P-51 fighters. The German defensive force comprised 350 Fw 190 and Bf 109 fighters, 100 twin-engine Me 110, 210, and 410 machines, and 50 night-fighters. Armed with 210mm rockets, the twin-engine fighters were the worst threat to U.S. bombers.

Hammer blows fell upon Messerschmitt plants at Regensburg, Leipzig, Augsburg, and Gotha. Focke Wulf factories were hit at Kreising, Tutow, and Posen. Ball-bearing works at Schweinfurt, Stuttgart, and Steyr were pounded. Bad weather brought BIG WEEK to an end after 25 February.

Allies (Maximum Effort)

Destroy assigned industrial targets in mainland Germany;

•Primary target (4,13,9)
•Secondary target (5,14,5)

A1: B-17G, B-24J, P-51B, P-47D-25, P-38J (9th USAAF) Air spawn North

AXIS (Reich Defense)

Defend industrial targets over German territories.

A32: BF109G6, BF109G14, Fw190A5, FW190A8, BF110G2, ME410 (Luftwaffe)… Air spawn South

Restrictions: All aircraft must carry 100% fuel loads. Drop tanks are optional.


Victory Conditions:

Highest number of aerial kills wins...

Arena Setting:
1. Terrain – Germanyw
2. Icon Range - short
3. Wind – 5 kts NW
4. Time – Start time 1030
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 36,960 about 7 miles
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility – 10
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel – 1.5
11. Ack - .3
12. Kill Shooter - off
13. Tower Range – 36,960 for display to match the above setting.
14. Radar – On

Designer Notes:

SEC Event Designer and Host


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