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Pantelleria - Frame 2



In 1943, the World War II Allies launched Corkscrew, a military operation whose aim was to seize the Mediterranean island of Pantelleria. It was an armed action meant to pave the way for an Allied invasion of Sicily and then the Italian mainland, but it turned out to be far more than that. By the time Corkscrew was finished, it had become a case study in the devastating uses of airpower and a major milestone in the exploits of the famed Tuskegee Airmen.

The importance of Pantelleria Island itself stemmed from its location--smack in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Some 53 miles to the west was Tunisia. To the northeast, 63 miles away, was Sicily. Thus, Pantelleria lay astride the route from North Africa, where the Allies earlier in 1943 had routed Axis forces, and Italy, the next target for invasion. Between May 8 and June 11 in 1943, Allied aircraft flew 5,285 bombing sorties against targets on Pantelleria and dropped 6,313 tons of bombs on Italian and German forces
ensconced there. 

The operation called for using sustained aerial bombardment to crush enemy power on the island and therefore reduce the number of Allied ground forces needed to capture and hold it. The plan succeeded--dramatically so. In fact, the aerial offensive marked the first time in history that an enemy land force was compelled to surrender in the absence of an accompanying ground invasion. Saturation bombing, plus limited shelling by the Royal Navy, broke the enemy's defenses and will to resist.

Each frame starts at 8pm in the UK, 9pm in France/Germany, 10pm in Finland/Estonia and 3pm EST. The planned length of a single frame is 2 hours.

This is an UNLIMITED life event.

Pantelleria on Youtube



Frame 2

Major Gen. Jimmy Doolittle and his NASAF prepare for the initial bombing raids that will start the invasion of Europe. Heavy and Medium bombers and fighters take to the air to destroy the defenses on the island of Pantelleria. 

Mission Orders:

The British Invasion fleet will be located north of the Island of Pantelleria.


Defend the British Fleet of the shoreline of Pantelleria Island.
A1 – P-40Fs and Spitfire Vs will provide top cover for the British fleet.


No ordnance restriction…


Destroy the British fleet offshore of Pantelleria Island.
A160 – BF108G6 and C202s will fly fighter escort for the bombers.
A161 - JU88s will attack the British fleet offshore of Pantelleria Island.


No ordnance restriction…


Victory conditions:

Axis wins upon successful sinking of all British fleet ship in the convoy.

Frame 1 - Arena Setting:
1. Terrain – Italy 
2. Icon Range - NO ICON
3. Wind – 0 kts
4. Time – Start time 0900
5. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 26,400 about 5 miles
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility – 15
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel – 1.5
11. Ack - .3
12. Kill Shooter - off
13. Tower Range – 26,400 for display to match the above setting.
14. Radar – Off

Designer Notes:

Event Designer:


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