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Battle of Britain (Mk 2 - Frame 2 + 3)

In the spring of 1940, Hitler's armies smashed
across the borders of the Netherlands and
Belgium and streamed into the northern reaches
of France. The German "Blitzkrieg" moved
swiftly to the west and the south, splitting
the British and French defenders, trapping the
British army at Dunkirk and forcing its
evacuation from continental Europe. The Germans
entered Paris on June 14 and forced France's
surrender on June 22. The British now stood
alone, awaiting Hitler's inevitable attempt
to invade and conquer their island.

Great Britain was in trouble. The soldiers rescued
from Dunkirk were exhausted by their ordeal.
Worse, most of their heavy armaments lay
abandoned and rusting on the French beaches.
After a short rest, the Germans began air
attacks in early summer designed to seize
mastery of the skies over England in preparation
for invasion. All that stood between the
British and defeat was a small force of RAF
pilots outnumbered in the air by four to one.

Day after day the Germans sent armadas of
bombers and fighters over England hoping to
lure the RAF into battle and annihilate the defenders.
Day after day the RAF scrambled their pilots
into the sky to do battle often three, four
or five times a day. Britain's air defense
bent but did not break. By September,
the Germans lost enthusiasm for the assault.
Hitler postponed and then canceled invasion
plans, turning his attention to the defeat
of Russia. In appreciation of the RAF pilots'
heroic effort, Winston Churchill declared:

"Never before in human history was so much
owed by so many to so few."


Damage carryover rule for frames 2 and 3
The setup for frames 2 and 3 is the same
and any damage done to RAF fields, radars etc.
in this frame will carry over to the next frame.
This way the LW can for example
destroy certain key radars and create a corridor for the
next frame.

Rules about lives
Everybody has two lives per frame. You loose a life
if you get anything else than "landed successfully".

That means that you will have to land successfully
at any friendly base. This gives the RAF a slight
advantage, since they are fighting above friendly territory.

Each player is responsible of counting their own lives and is
expected to honor the rules and fellow players.
Using more than two lives
is visible from the logs after the event.

RAF has ranged dot radar. This means that RAF pilots
can see LW planes as dots in radar when LW is in range.
The radar range is 25 miles and is indicated by the white
circles in the clipboard map if you have the option enabled.
Base flash radius is 7 miles.
The radar is updated with 120 second intervals.

Luftwaffe wins if they have managed to disable 5 out of the 7
RAF bases listed below by the end of the third frame.
Disabling a base means destroying all fighter hangars there.

RAF wins if Luftwaffe cannot achieve the above objective.

Bishops, 30% of participants

Bases, units and planes:
- A8, Biggin Hill, 610 Sqn. Spitfire
- A5, North Weald, 56 Sqn. Hurricane
- A9, Kenley, 64 Sqn, Spitfire
- A23, Croydon, 1 RCAF, Hurricane
- A14, Manston, 266 Sqn, Spitfire
- A7, Gravesend, 501 Sqn, Hurricane
- A1, Norholt, 303 Sqn, Hurricane

Pilot notes:
- Maximum of six (6) pilots per squadron until all
squadrons are full!

- Protect friendly airspace and prevent enemy air

- You may replane only at your home base (see the list above). If your
home base is destroyed your new home base will be the
NEXT base in the list.
- You may refuel and rearm at any friendly base.

Knights, 70% of participants

Bases, units and planes:
- A49, St. Omer-Pihen, I/KG1, Ju88
- A49, St. Omer-Pihen, I/KG2, Ju88
- A60, St. Omer, I/KG53, Ju88
- A60, St. Omer, I/KG76, Ju88
- A50, Lille-Nord, II/KG53, Ju88
- A50, Lille-Nord, III/KG53, Ju88
- A46, Calais, I/JG52, Bf109
- A46, Calais, II/JG52, Bf109
- A46, Calais, I/JG54, Bf109
- A45, Wissant, I/JG51, Bf109
- A35, Abbeville-Crecy, I/ZG26, ME110C (no bombs)  

Pilot notes:
- Maximum of six (6) pilots per squadron until all
squadrons are full!

- Gain air superiority over southern part of Britain
by destroying RAF airfields listed above.
- Victory is ours if we can disable 5 out of the 7 RAF
fields in the target list.

- You may replane only at your home base (see the list above).
- You may refuel and rearm at any friendly base.

Arena Settings
Terrains: Bob09
Event start, game time: 08:00
Time multiplier: 2
Icons: Enemy Icon range 1k, Enemy low icon range about 0.5k,
 Friendly icon range 3k
Fuel Multiplier: 1.224
Radar: Axis - None
   Allies - Ranged dot radar, update rate 2 mins, range 25 miles (132000)
                Radar low alt 500
Ack multiplier: 1.0
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Kill messages: Off.
Formations: Enabled
Downtimes: maximum, anything destroyed will stay
destroyed for the remainder of the time.
2 lives for every player.

CM notes:
Destroy radars of RAF airfields and GV bases so that only limited number of
radars remain over southern britain. The idea is to have radars in the
coastal area with about 20 mile intervals. Additionally give few radars inland too.
Design by Have
Images by cactuscooler, pipz and lyric1


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