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RAF Road to Berlin


Germany is is being bombed around the clock.
For the past year the allied strategic bombers have
been operating in two shifts - Americans during the day
and British in night time. By end of summer 1944
the allies have gained complete air superiority
over Germany and the once mighty Luftwaffe
has been weakened so that the RAF decides to
renew its daylight bombing operations. Lancasters,
Halifaxes and Mosquitos are now flying over
Germany day and night. Spitfires and the occasionally
loaned P-51 units are used in the escort role.

Luftwaffe pulls more and more staffels and
Gruppen off the front line on the Eastern Front
to reinforce the Defense of the Reich. German
factories are building more airplanes than ever before,
but the huge daily casualties have taken their toll.
Bomber pilots are being converted to fighters.
Fighter pilot training is being shortened to meet the
need for pilots. In 1944 the pilot programme
had shrunk to 8 months and 111 flying hours;
just 20 hours on the Fw 190 and Bf 109.
This was less than half what the German cadets
could receive in 1942. American opponents had
at least 525 hours flying time. Relative losses
in combat were correspondingly disproportionate.

By the autumn, the Luftwaffe was seeking
anyone who already had basic experience
in flying, so they could bypass the primary
stages of flight school.

Nevertheless, Luftwaffe keeps fighting and high
command keeps promising the miraculous Wünderwaffen,
which would turn the tide.

This SEC event recreates the violent times of
1944 and 1945 when British bombers started
daylight operations.

German pilots take note!
There is a chance that few of the experten,
who have proven themselves in the first two frames,
will be given the chance to fly the world's first
operational jet and rocket fighters -
the Me 262 and Me 162 - in the third frame.

Everybody has two (2) lives to use.
You will loose a life if you do not successfully land at the base where you started from.
Discos do not count as lives. 

Frame 1

Bishops, 70% of participants

Planes available:
- Lancaster
- Mosquito
- Spitfire VIII, XIV, XVI

-Bomb the AA factory and refinery in the city of Hamburg (11.16)
-Airstart available from:
 A60 (North and South) and
 A56 (South)
-Land to friendly base OR to sea at airstart location (only if no visible enemy)
-Whole force must use the same airstart (NO Splitting of forces!)

Knights, 30% of participants

- 109G-14, K-4
- 190A-8, 190A-5

-Intercept incoming allied raid, probable target Hamburg.
-Available fields:
 A32 (Airstart South available).


Frame 2

Bishops, 70% of participants

Planes available:
- Lancaster
- Mosquito
- Spitfire VIII, XIV, P-51D

-Bomb the port of Rostock and any sighted ships there (14.18)
-Airstart available from A61 (North and South)
-Land to friendly base OR to sea at airstart location (only if no visible enemy)

Knights, 30% of participants

- 109G-14, K-4
- 190A-8, 190A-5, 190D-9

-Intercept incoming allied raid, probable target Rostock.
-Available fields:

Frame 3

Bishops, 70% of participants

Planes available:
- Lancaster
- Mosquito
- Spitfire XIV, Tempest, Typhoon

-Bomb the administrative buildings in the city center of Berlin (16.13)
-Airstart available from:
 A32 (airstart South)
 A44 (airstart South)
 A21 (airstart South)
-Land to friendly base OR to sea at airstart location (only if no visible enemy)

-Whole force must use the same airstart (NO Splitting of forces!)

Knights, 30% of participants

- 109G-14, K-4
- 190A-8, 190D-9
- Ta152 (20% of planes)

- Me262/163 only to few distinguished players at CM's discretion at some point in the frame. CM decides the field. Players are to be contacted with private message during the frame.

-Intercept incoming allied raid, probable target Berlin.
-Available fields:


Arena Settings
Terrains: Germany
Event start, game time: 10:00
Time multiplier: 2.0
Icons: Icon range 2.5k (~7500), both friendly and enemy
Fuel Multiplier: 0.7
Radar: Allied none.
       Axis dot radar, delay time 90 seconds.
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Fuel burn: 0.75
Auto Ack strength: 0.75
Kill messages: Off.
Default downtimes.

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