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Italian Campaign Frame 1

The Allied invasion of Sicily, codenamed Operation Husky,
was a major World War II campaign, in which the Allies
took Sicily from the Axis. It was a large scale
amphibious and airborne operation, followed by
six weeks of land combat. It launched the Italian Campaign.

Husky began on the night of July 9–10, 1943,
and ended August 17. Strategically, Husky achieved the
goals set out for it by Allied planners. The
Allies drove Axis air, land and naval forces
from the island; the Mediterranean's sea lanes
were opened and Italian dictator
Benito Mussolini was toppled from power.

Prepatory operations for the Husky began once the Axis
forces had been defeated in Tunisia by
the Allied strategic bomber force commenced attacking
the principal airfields of Sardinia, Sicily and
southern Italy, industrial targets in southern
Italy and the ports of Naples, Messina,
Palermo and Cagliari (in Sardinia). The attacks
were thus distributed in such a way
as to maintain uncertainty as to where the
next move of the Allied land forces would be,
in order to pin down Axis aircraft and prevent
them being ordered to Sicily.

Bombing attacks were stepped up on northern Italy
(by aircraft based in the UK) and Greece (by aircraft
based in the Middle East).  From 3 July
bombing attacks increasingly focused on Sicilian
airfields and Axis communications with Italy,
although beach defences were left alone to preserve
surprise as to exactly where the landings were to
take place.  By 10 July only two airfields in Sicily
remained fully serviceable and over half the Axis
aircraft had been forced to leave the island.


The Ninth Air Force:
Royal Air Force (RAF) Halifax aircraft bomb the
Catania, Sicily, railroad yards during the night of 3/4 Jul.
B-25's hit the airfield at Comiso, Sicily and P-40's
escort bombers and convoy and fly sea-search for
a missing pilot.
The fighters claim 3 Bf 109's shot down and 4 P-40's
are lost.

Northwest African Air Force:
During the night of 3/4 Jul, Wellingtons hit Trapani,
Sicily and Lido di Roma, Italy. Leaflets are dropped
in the Rome, Italy area. In Sicily, B-17's and B-26's hit
the airfields at Catania and Gerbini;
B-25's bomb 2 satellite airfields near Gerbini; and
Northwest African Tactical Air Force (NATAF) A-20
and medium bombers hit airfields at Comiso, Trapani,
Sciacca, and Castelvetrano.

Bishops, 60% of participants

- 40% 58th Fighter Squadron (P-40F - bombs disabled)
- 60% 81st Bombardment Squadron (B-25C Glass Nose)

-Start from A11
-Attack enemy airfield at Comiso (A22)

-No rearm/replane

Rooks, 40% of participants

- 70% 109G2 
- 30% MC-202

-20% Stab/JG53 (109G2) takeoff from Comiso (A22)
-50% II/JG53 (109G2) takeoff from Ramacca (A23)
-30% 9' Gruppo (MC-202) takeoff from Catania (A26)
-Defend the airspace of Sicily against American air gangsters!

Arena Settings
Terrains: Italy1
Event start, game time: 10:00
Time multiplier: 1.0
Icons: Enemy Icon range 1k, Enemy low icon range about 0.5k,
 Friendly icon range 3k
Fuel Multiplier: 1.0
Radar: Axis - Full enemy default tower radar range, 2 min update rate
       Allies - None
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Kill messages: Off.
2 lives for every player.

Design By
Edited AUG 2012 by Redtail7

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