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Season 29 Race 7 - Hare Raising 400

 Welcome all to Season 29 Race 7

 Hare Raising  

Race info:
Previous runings: none 
Track design: BadBunny
Terrain:  Race10
Host:  BadBunny
Co-Host: JVNotch 
Location: SEA #1 
Country: Bishop
Start field: A25 (Airfield 25)
 Plane choice: Me-262A chosen by, oh yeah, ME.  BadBunny
Fuel burn: .01
Loadout: Pilots choice, 100% will guarantee a finish 
Takeoff:  NE 
Heats:  3(race)    +  1 "Thunderdome Heat"(will not count for race points, but fun)
Number of laps: 4
Time:   6:00 am
Views Enabled – F1 ( Normal ), F3 (external), F5 (CM Eye)
Finish: Flying through the left side Big Pad Bomber Hangar at A25


1  Take off NE
2  Right around "Near" town Flag
3  Left Around "Far" Town Flag
4  Pass through the Mountain Peaks like a gate
5  Pass through Both Grass Bomber Hangers in the center of the field
6  Continue through the four Red Lamp Post gates7  Pass through the Red Goal Post
8  Pass by the Blue Pylon on your Right
9  White pylon on your Left
10 Blue Pylon on your Right
11 Blue Pylon on your Left
12 Pass through the 2 White Pylons like a gate and return to A 25
13 Pass through the Left Side Big Pad Bomber Hanger (This is the Finish Hanger)
14 To rejoin course turn right around the Radar Tower and head to Town

Marker Clarification:
All markers are height restricted:

Must have fuselage below all posts
Entire plane must be below top of mountain peaks

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