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Stalin's Player Rules


Player Lifes:
- There is no predefined life count for participating players.
- Instead, each unit has limited number of certain planes and vehicles which any player in that unit can use with GL's permission.
 (See the "Order of Battle" table)

Plane utilization rules:
- Do not spawn any plane without your GL's or FL's particular order!
- The aircraft may spawn ONLY from their assigned home air bases.

- Bomber drones are allowed, but using them is optional. Drones are not counted as planes in unit resources.
- Fighter planes (109, Brewster, La5FN, Yak9T, Hurricane IIC, P-40E) are not allowed to carry ordinance (bombs or rockets). (Note: Fw190s are not considered as fighter planes)

- You may exit your plane without a loss ONLY at your own units' home air base with a "landed successfully" result. "Ditched" result always means a lost plane!
- When you exit your ride, you must always tell your GL whether you returned your ride legally back to your unit's resource pool or whether you lost it!!!

- Rearming and refuelling is allowed at all friendly bases.

Ground Vehicle (GV) utilization rules:
- Do not spawn any vehicle without your GL's or FL's particular order!
- The vehicles may spawn initially ONLY from their assigned home (air or vehicle) bases.
- However, if they can, they may re-spawn immediately from that friendly base where they have just completed a successful landing (If the vehicle hangars of that base are down, they must either wait or spawn again from home base). Switching vehicle type and load-out is allowed before re-spawn if the unit's GL and resources permit it.
  (Note: M-16:s may NEVER be spawned from anywhere else than from unit's own home air base and always ONLY by using the hangar 'H' spawn point.)
- Certain waterfront bases have LVT-4:s available for enabling attacks across the water. LVT-4:s are considered as tank substitutes and their usage and losses must be counted accordingly!

- You may exit your vehicle without a loss at any friendly base with a "landed successfully" result.
  (Note: Check the base maps for appropriate landing areas for each base!)
- Vehicles may also use the spawn point areas for landing as long as a "landed successfully" result is achieved.
- Upon exiting the vehicle with "landed successfully" result in any friendly base, you are allowed to use the mannable guns in that particular base and still re-spawn afterwards from that base with your GV. However, if you jump to another base or spawn a plane, you have to launch your next vehicle again from your home base.
- When you exit your ride, you must always tell your GL whether you returned your ride legally back to your unit's resource pool or whether you lost it!!!
- If the vehicle is lost the next vehicle has to be spawned again from the home base.

Aircraft and vehicle losses:
- You aircraft is lost unless you get a "landed successfully" result at you own unit's home air base.
- However, if you get a "landed successfully" result at any other friendly base (A or V base), your plane is lost only for the rest of the frame, but your unit will get it back for the next frame!

- Your tank is lost unless you get a "landed successfully" result at some friendly base.
- Bomber formations are regarded as single planes in the unit resources and, therefore, each formation can lose 2 planes without a loss as long as the last one lands succesfully.

- All disconnections while using a plane or a tank will result as a loss of that ride.
- Exception: Disconnections during the first 5 minutes of each frame do NOT cause any losses.

- All aircraft and vehicles that have not RTB:d successfully in the end of the frame (T+180) are considered lost!

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