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CE Rules

Close Escort Rules

Basic Premise:
Close Escort is a mission based event built around bombing raids plus the escorts and interceptors of those bombers.  Every frame of this event will include these 3 aspects.  The bombers may take different forms, including the possibility of GV's being utilized.  At this time, the missions will be posted by the host CM with varying launch times, and all flights should originate from one of these missions.  Each player will have 1 life, depending on the Admin CM's set up.  Squads will be utilized as cohesive groups and have a flight in each mission specifically for a specific squad.  Walk ons may ask the squad to join thier flight, but should not do so without permission.  Other flights will be led by Flight Leaders, typically pre-assigned from a list of volunteers.  A Side CO will also be assigned from the volunteers lists.  All squads, F/L's and Side CO's will recieve notification of assignments via email prior to each frame, and will fly for one side in the assigned role for the entire tour, though side CO's will only serve in that capacity for one frame.

A full description of this event can be found at http://events.hitechcreations.com/close_escort/close_escort.php

The following settings are going to be the most commonly used in Close Escort.

Icons - short
Ack Lethality - .4 to .6
Fuel Burn Rate - 1.0 to 2.0 (typically 1.5)
Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 53,000 (about 10 miles), variations will be common
Tower Range - 53,000 (about 10 miles), to display the warning range above
Radar - all will be off, except friendly dotdar.  Every frame should include friendly dotdar to aid in co-ordination.
Clouds / Visibility - varied (typically 12 miles)
Friendly Collisions - off
Killshooter - off
Time - varied, but there will be no night time frames due to limitations with the mission editor

Players General Rules
It will be the responsibility of each player to co-operate with his countrymen and the Hosting CM.
Abuse of Channel 1 or 200 will not be tolerated during operations.
Each flight should originate from a mission.  If no mission is available, please contact the host CM.
Attack and defense plans should be followed as closely as possible.
Some flights will be required to reach the target or some landmark by a certain time, score penalties will be assessed for failure to arrive at these points within the required timeframe.  The penalty will typically be assessed at the rate of .5% (1/2 of 1%) per minute.
Widespread problems during launch due to mission posting errors should result in players re-launching.  Flight should be open for 10 minutes at the beginning of each frame to cover these problems.
Players that are disconnected or have similar problems may re-up during the first 30 minutes of any frame and should contact the Host CM for flight to be enabled if the timeframe allows (Late comers may be allowed to launch at Host CM's discretion).
Intentional shooting of countrymen will not be tolerated and offending players may be ejected.
Once a players available lives are used up, the frame is over for that player, unless they may man a gun on a plane, ship or field (check with your CM).
Players should be prepared to switch sides and or roles / rides at the request of the host CM to help maintain percentage splits.

Scoring Basics

Each role will be scored based on percentages of success within thier missions.   Each role will recieve a portion of thier scores from four statistical categories. 
- Target destruction / survival
- Bomber survival / destruction
- Escort survival / destruction
- Interceptor destruction / survival

- Bombers will be tasked with the destruction of an enemy target, whether it be a strat item or a field. 
50% of the bomber score will come from the level of target destruction (in %'s).
30% of the bomber score will come from their own survival rate.
10% of the bomber score will come from the escorts survival rate.
10% of the bomber score will come from the interceptors destruction rate.

- Escort will be tasked with the survival and protection of the bombers.
30% of the escort score will come from the level of target destruction (in %'s).
10% of the escort score will come from their own survival rate.
40% of the escort score will come from the bombers survival rate.
20% of the escort score will come from the interceptors destruction rate.

- Interceptors will be tasked with the destruction of the bombers.
30% of the interceptor score will come from the level of target survival (in %'s).
20% of the interceptor score will come from their own survival rate.
10% of the interceptor score will come from the escorts destruction rate.
40% of the interceptor score will come from the bombers destruction rate.

All of the above scores will be adjusted to acount for imbalance.  If there are not enough bombers to destroy the target, there will be adjustments.  If there are more than the prescribed % of Interceptors, there will be adjustments.  This is to boost frame scores for outnumbered groups. The maximum that any single score will be changed is 30%.

Scores will result in the following categories:
0 to 15% composite score = Major mission failure
16 to 35% composite score = Minor mission failure
36 to 55% composite score = Draw
56 to 75% composite score = Minor mission success
76 to 90% composite score = Major mission success
91 + % composite score = Supreme mission success


There will be a page on the events server dedicated to awards for Close Escort.  These will be awarded based on the following:

Bomber squads who take part in a frame that is a Major success will recieve a "Close Escort Meritorious Unit Citation" ribbon - bomber
The bomber pilot with the highest total objects destroyed for a 3 frame tour will recieve a "Close Escort Distinguished Action" ribbon - bomber
The bomber pilot with the highest total of objects destroyed for a single frame will recieve a "Close Escort Air Action" ribbon - bomber
Bomber pilots who survive a 3 frame tour without a death or capture will recieve a "Close Escort Service" ribbon - bomber

Escort squads that take part in a frame that is a Major success will recieve a "Close Escort Meritorious Unit Citation" ribbon - escort
The escort pilot with the most enemy aircraft destroyed (1 point for kills, .25 for assists) for a 3 frame tour will recieve a "Close Escort Distinguished Action" ribbon - escort
The escort pilot with the most enemy aircraft destroyed (1 point for kills, .25 for assists) for a single frame will recieve a "Close Escort Air Action" ribbon - escort
Escort pilots who survive a 3 frame tour without a death or capture will recieve a "Close Escort Service" ribbon - escort

Interceptor squads that take part in a frame that is a Major success will recieve a "Close Escort Meritorious Unit Citation" ribbon - Interceptor 
The Interceptor pilot with the most enemy aircraft destroyed (1 point for kills, .25 for assists) for a 3 frame tour will recieve a "Close Escort Distinguished Action" ribbon - Interceptor
The Interceptor pilot with the most enemy aircraft destroyed (1 point for kills, .25 for assists) for a single frame will recieve a "Close Escort Air Action" ribbon - Interceptor
Interceptor pilots who survive a 3 frame tour without a death or capture will recieve a "Close Escort Service" ribbon - interceptor

Special markers will denote multiple awards

Any Mission Leader who leads a mission that is a supreme success will recieve a "Close Escort Silver Eagle" ribbon (in designated colors for each role)

Mission / Flight Leaders will recieve a "Close Escort Leader" ribbon (in designated colors for each role) Frame Commanders / Side CO's will recieve a "Close Escort Commanders" ribbon

Squads will form the backbone of Close Escort.  Registered squads will be split among the 3 roles to allow walkons to fill available slots in each available role.  In this way we hope to ensure that all players get to participate in the event in thier particular role of preference at least part of the time.

Squads that register for Close Escort will be assigned to preffered roles whenever possible.  
Squads will be guaranteed to fly together unless they choose to split thier members among the available rides.  
Squad CO's and XO's will recieve email notification about upcoming tours, allowing them to set squad preferences for roles and commitment levels.
Squad CO's and XO's will recieve email notification about upcoming frames, allowing them to make input into the missions that will be posted by the host CM.
Squads will have thier own flights in the CM posted missions.  the number of slots in the flight will be based on the squads commitment level.  The squad may choose to allow walkons to join thier flight if numbers are lower than expected or to consolidate the players in that role into a cohesive force.
Squad will post thier preferences on the CE events server, listing the three roles in order of preference.  Squads will be assigned by order of preference, but rotation through the three roles will be utilized from tour to tour.
Squads should maintain accurate commitment levels, and should update thier preferences on the events server regularly.

Squads may register by  posting on the AHBB Close Escort forum

Volunteers Leaders
Volunteer Leaders will fill roles to help organize walk on players.  These positions will be Side CO's and Flight Leaders and will be informed about thier assignments for the upcoming tour /  frame via email.  Like squads, these leaders will be able to post thier preferences on the Events server.

Side CO's will be responsible for assigning walk ons to Flight Leaders.
Flight Leaders will be responsible for gathering walkons and getting them into the correct mission.
All assigned volunteers will recieve notification via email and in the Close Escort forum on the AHBBS.
Volunteers may be assigned to roles that are not at the top of thier list of preferences.  Rotation of volunteers will be utilized when possible with preferences taken into account.
Flight Leaders will each have a flight posted in the missions as needed.
Side CO preferences will be the options of Attack and Defend and will be able to change status from active to inactive.
Flight Leader preferences will be the options of Bomber, Escort and Interceptor and will be able to change status from active to inactive.
All Volunteers should update thier preferences regularly.

Volunteers may register by posting on the AHBB Close Escort forum


These rules are in work and subject to change and alteration


Thank you

Close Escort CM team 

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