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Red Inferno

September 2, 1945, the day the Second World War was supposed to officially end, continues. At 0530, Russian T-34's, supported by patrolling fighter and bomber attack aircraft, launch their attack on the American, British and French sectors of Berlin. Outside of Berlin, Russian forces launch a massive rocket and artillery barrage on the British and American sectors of Germany, immeditatly followed by supporting tanks and infantry. The battle for Europe, and what would officially start World War III has begun. 

Berlin is surrounded, and the American, British, and French sectors are getting smaller by the hour, as the Russians push in from all sides. Western forces have reorganized an aerial counterattack on the Russian defences. The plan is to break through the Russian defences, and rush Berlin to relieve the stranded American, British, and French forces. Operation Viper is now underway, as Airborne troops, supported by infantry, and armour, push towards Berlin. 

This FSO will create the what-if battle between Western Allies, and the Russians. It will start with the early morning intial attack on the sectors outside of Berlin, with the final frame being an Aerial and ground assualt on Berlin. 


Special Note: Captured Luftwaffe aircraft being flown are to simulate the German pilots that were either forced or willing to fly again for both sides, swearing an allegiance to either the West or the Russians in the East. In this sceario they are being commanded by top-notch fighter pilots and aces. 


Side Split: 

Western Allies (America, Britian, & Germany)


Russian Forces



Plane Set:

Western Allies:

P-47M                                    Min 8              No Max

P-51 D                                   Min 8              No max

Spitfire MKXIV                       Min 8            

Mosquito Mk VI                      Min 12


Captured planes/Luftwaffe:


Fw 190 D-9                            Max 24

Fw 190 A-8                            

Bf 109 K4   

Ta 152H                                 Max 8

Me 262                                  Max 4

Ar 234                                   Max 6


Russian Forces:  (See Special Note)

Soviet Forces:

La-7                                    Min 8

Yak-9U                               Min 8

Yak-3                                 Min 8

Tu-2                                   Min 12

Captured forces/Luftwaffe:

Fw 190 D-9                            Max 24

Fw 190 A-8                            

Bf 109 K4   

Ta 152H                                 Max 8

Me 262                                  Max 4 

Ar 234                                   Max 6




1.) This is a one-life event.
2.) Minimum and maximum numbers for planes must be followed by both sides.
3.) Severe penalties will be imposed for plane limit violations.
4.) Bomber formations are enabled but not required.
5.) Numbers for the Allied bombers are numbers of pilots, and do not count drones.
6.) Allies must launch attack two of the four targets listed.
7.) Each of the Allied attacks must include at least 10 bombers (pilots, not drones)
8.) Fighters may strafe ground targets as well.
9.) Any planes in flight at T+120 will be counted as lost to enemy action.


Ground Target Points
Vehicle Hangar .................................  25 points
Fighter Hangar .................................  25 points
Bomber Hangar ................................  25 points
Ammo Bunker ..................................  3 points
Fuel Dump .......................................  3 points
Barracks ...........................................  3 points
Radar ...............................................  3 points
Gun .................................................  1 point

NO POINTS are awarded for:
  1.) civilian buildings in towns and cities
  2.) structures at bases which are not assigned as targets

Aircraft Points
piston-engined fighter plane ............  2 points

Twinengined attack planes...............  5 points

Jet powered fighters.........................  10 points

Jet powered bombers.......................  15 points



Friendly Fire Penalty
Shooting down a fellow countryman incurs a penalty equal to double the normal aircraft value.

Terrain Map: "Germany"
Fuel Burn: 1.0 (RL to AH map scale is 1:1)
Icon Ranges:  9,000 feet (3.0K yards)
Auto-Ack Strenth: 0.4
Fighter and Bomber Warning Range: 79,200 feet (15 miles)
Tower Range: set to 79,200 feet (for display to match the above setting)
Haze/Fog Visability: 15 miles
Sector Radar: None. Hehe
Enemy Collisions: ON
Friendly Collisions: OFF
Killshooter: OFF
Formations: ON
Bomber Calibration: AUTOMATIC

Game Clock

Frame 1 ..............  09:00 ................  9:00 AM (morning)
Frame 2 ..............  12:00 ................  12:00 PM (noon)
Frame 3 ..............  15:00 ................  3:00 PM (afternoon)

00 - 02K .............  NO WIND ...........  speed zero
02 - 10K .............  NW -> SE ...........  speed 10
10 - 20K .............  NW -> SE ...........  speed 20
20 - 30K .............  NW -> SE ...........  speed 30
30+ ....................  NW -> SE ...........  speed 40


Special Note:


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