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Action Over Sardinia

Artist Credit: Picture of the 319th BG taking off en-masse in North Africa 1943. Picture taken by the USSAF. Accents by Redtail7
As the attention of the Allied forces in North Africa turned from Tunisia to Pantelleria. Another real battlefront began to take shape in the central Mediterranean. The primary Luftwaffe units in North Africa supporting Erwin Rommel's Afrika Corp had retreated to he Italian island of Sardinia. Jadgeschwade ./JG77 is now joined by ./JG51 and 20 Stormo to help defend the island stronghold. The Luftwaffe in Sardinia will now battle future American Aces from the 325th FG "The Checkered Tails" who by the end of the war filled its ranks with fighter aces. This SNAPSHOT will reenact one such bomber escort mission to the island of Sardinia to wrestle control of the island from Hitler's Luftwaffe.
Country Percentage:
Allies 70%
Axis 30%
P-40F 70%
B-26B 30%
BF109G-2 33%
BF109G-6 33%
C202 33%
All Allied aircraft will launch from A53. The B-26Bs will attack and destroy strat objects location at coordinates 2,9,1 and 2,9,2.
The P-40Fs will fly close escort to the bomber formations.
The BF109G-2s will launch from airfield A22.
The BF109G-6s will launch from airfield A26.
The C202s will launch from airfield A21 
All with order to defend against the incoming bomber raid.
Axis aircraft may not pass south of the horizontal "7" sector line.
Allied fighters may not carry ordnance.
All aircraft must carry 100% fuel loads.
The are no ordnance carrying restrictions for the B-26Bs.
Victory Conditions:
The Allied bombers must destroy 150 objects to claim victory in the frame.
Arena Setting:
1. Terrain - Italy
2. Icon Range - Short
3. Wind - 5 Knots from the West
4. Time - 0530 hours
5. Fighter and Bomber warnig range - 52,800 (Approximately 10 miles)
6. Enemy Collisions - On
7. External view for Bombers (F3) - On
8. Visibility - 16>
9. Friendly Collisions - Off
10. Fuel - 1.0
11. Ack - .04
12. Killshooter- Off
13. Tower Range - 52,800 set to match warning range.
14. Radar - Off
Designer notes - 
Because of the distance flown to Sardinia. The will be a single life single frame event.
Designed By:
Redtail7 July 2014

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