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Operation Olympic

 Operation Olympic


Screen Shot by daddog 



It is November 1st 1945 and the Japanese Empire still refuses to surrender. United States military leaders have agreed that the only way to end the war is a massive invasion of the Japanese home island. To accomplish this Operation Downfall is a go. Operation Downfall calls for two immense military undertakings, the first of which is Operation Olympic.

In this snapshot we will recreate just one of what would have been many aerial assault by the United States Navy on the Japanese island Kyushu.


Country Percentages
Allied 40%
Axis 60%

Allied Units
F4U-1D - (2 1000Lb Bombs and 8 HVAR Rockets)
F6F-5 - (2 1000Lb Bombs and 6 HVAR Rockets)

Fields - Roll from CV89 or CV90
Objectives - Bomb or strafe all valid targets on V69 and V70

1. Each Pilot has 2 lives.
2. Pilots may fly whatever plane they wish. Just remember that for every target not destroyed by the end of the frame the Axis receive 5 points and that the targets must be hit with ordnance by T+45. If not hit by T+45 the Allies will receive a point deduction.
3. Valid targets at V69 and V70 include Vehicle Hangers and Shore Batteries.
4. The Allied CO is to tell the hosting CM where he/she would like the task groups placed within the valid area.

1. F4U-1D and F6F-5 must launch with bombs and rockets.
2. The targets must be hit within T+45.

Axis Units

Field - Roll A29
Objective - Defend the Vehicle Hangers and Shore Batteries at V69 and V70.

1. Each pilot has 2 lives.
2. Pilots may fly whatever plane they wish
2. Fuel for all planes is up to the pilot.

1. Manned Guns and Shore Batteries may not be used.


All airframes - 10 Points
Vehicle Hangers - 20 Points
Shore Batteries - 30 Points
Protected Objects - For every Hanger and Shore Battery still up at the end of the frame the Axis will be given 5 points.

Arena Settings

1.  Terrain - Japan
2.  Icon Range - Short
3.  Radar - Off
4.  Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 about 10 miles
5.  Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to match the above setting)
6.  Visibility - 17 miles
7.  Wind - None
8.  External view for bombers (F3) - On
9.  Friendly Collisions - Off
10.  Enemy Collisions - On
11.  Kill Shooter - Off.
12.  Fuel - 1.1
13.  Ack - 1.0
14.  Time - 06:00 X2

Designer Note
I suggest using the same plane setup in a strictly furball frame afterwards.

CM Note

Designed by
Ethan "BearKats/Husky01" Heigel
updated 03/08 68Raptor 

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