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Screen shot by daddog 


On the morning of June 4th Lieutenant Commander Clarence W. McClusky led over sixty aircraft from the U.S.S. Enterprise to seek out Nagumo's carriers. The Hornet and the Yorktown also committed aircraft in search of the enemy task groups. The Hornets group were the first to spot the enemy. Torpedo bombers attacked, but were wiped out. Not a single torpedo scored a hit and 35 of the 41 one planes that attacked were shot down by the accurate anti-aircraft fire or by the Zeros who were also defending.

Shortly after the torpedo run the SBDs from the Hornet and Yorktown attacked the Kaga. McClusky divided his SBDs into two formations and dove on the Soryu and the Akagi. Thankfully for the Americans they had clear skies because the Zeros had gone to the deck after the torpedo bombers. By late morning of June 5th all four of the IJN carriers had been sunk along with several other ships.

This Snapshot will give players a taste of Midway and a chance to change the outcome.

Source: Glenn B. Bavousett


Country Percentages
American 40%
IJN 60%

Allies Units:
- F4F 33% with 100% fuel
- SBD 33% with 100% fuel and 1-1000lb bomb and 2-100lb GP bombs
- TBM 33% with 100% fuel and (1 torpedo or 4-500lb bombs)

F4Fs roll from C9. The TBMs and SBDs roll from C10. The F4F's may CAP or escorts TBMs and SBDs in search of IJN task groups in 8.12 and 9.12 

All pilots are allowed 2 lives.

IJN Units:
- A6M2 33% with 100% fuel
- D3A1 33% with 100% fuel, 2-60kg GP bombs and 1-250kg GP bomb
- B5N2 33% with 100% fuel and (1 torp or 3-350kg GP bombs)

A6M2s roll from C15. They may CAP or escort Vals and Kates in search of American task groups in 11.11 and 12.11. Vals and Kates roll from C16 in search of American task groups in the same sectors.

All pilots are allowed two lives.


Victory Conditions
F4F - 10 points
SBD - 15 points
TBM - 20 points
A6M2 - 10 points
Val - 15 points
Kate - 20 points
CV - 300 points
Cruiser - 150 points
Destroyers - 50 points

Arena Settings

  1. Terrain - Midway
  2. Icon Range - 9000
  3. Radar - Off
  4. Fighter and Bomber Warning Range - 52,800 about 10 miles
  5. Tower Range - 52,800 (for display to match the above setting)
  6. Visibility - 17 miles
  7. Wind - None
  8. External view for bombers (F3) - On
  9. Friendly Collisions - Off
  10. Enemy Collisions - On
  11. Kill Shooter - Off
  12. Fuel - 2.5
  13. Ack - .3
  14. Time - 0800 X2
  15. Formations - On

Designer Notes
This Snapshot will allow 2 deaths unlike the usual one life event for Snapshots.

CM Notes
*Just before launch place American C9 and C10 near each other, (less than 10 miles apart) in sectors 11.11 or 12.11.
*Place IJN C15 and C16 near each other (less than 10 miles apart) in sectors 8.12 and 9.12 where you please, again just before launch.
** Set Death Count Max to 2 and Death time to 0. This will give players 2 lives only till the arena is reset. Remind players more than once that they will have 2 lives in this Snapshot. Have players note the 2.5 fuel setting. They will need to watch their fuel consumption.

Design By
James "daddog" Glazier

updated 04/14 - 68Raptor

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