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The Long Flight Home

The Long Flight Home
Artist Credit: 'Never Give Up' Saburo Sakai Autograph

On August 7, 1942, 18 Zeroes received the order to attack Guadalcanal. The range from Rabaul was 560 miles, barely within
the range of the Zero fighters. Sakai shot down 3 F4F's in this battle and then found 8 enemy planes in the distance, which he 
presumed to be F4Fs as well ... he was wrong. They were SBD Dauntless dive-bombers, with eager rear machine gunners. 
Sakai's Zero became a target for 16 guns. Never the less, Sakai shot down 3 SBDs before being hit in the forehead head by 
a bullet which almost blinded his right eye and left him somewhat paralyzed. He survived, flying 4 hours and almost 600 miles
 back to Rabaul. He barely had eyesight but was able to land his plane. By the time he landed, his gas tank was empty. 
In this Snapshot, we will designate two pilots as Sakai, and his wingman.
Country Percentages
60% Japanese 
50% SBD-5 Dauntless 
50% F4F-4 Wildcat
Roll from A2 and fly Cap over Guadacanal. Engage Any Enemy Aircraft Spotted.
100% A6M2 Zero
Roll From A21 and Fly a Fighter Sweep over Guadacanal, Designate One pilot as Saburo Sakai and another as his Wingman.
Must Carry 100% Fuel + DT's. 
Victory Conditions 
Total Victory: Shoot down Saburo Sakai. 
Saburo Sakai's Wingman - 30 points
A6M2 Zero - 15 points
 F4F-4 - 15 points
SBD-5 - 15 points
Arena Settings
1.    Terrain - Coral Sea 
2.    Icon range - short
3.    Radar - off
4.    Fighter and bomber warning range - 52,800
5.    Tower warning range - 52,800 feet
6.    Visibility - 15 miles
7.    Wind - none
8.    External view for bombers (F3) - on
9.    Friendly Collisions - off
10.  Enemy Collisions - on
11.    Kill shooter - off
12.  Fuel burn rate - 1.0
13.  Time - 6 AM
14.  Ack - 0.5
 Designer Notes
CM Notes
Drop SBDs if Numbers are too low.
Design By
Nefarious 412th
Updated 01/30/2012 68Raptor

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