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Squad Dueling League

Rules for Squad Duels

- Squads must participate in a duel at least twice every 6 months.
- Squads must post an AAR after the duel in the private SDL forum. AAR’s maybe brief, or detailed. Ideally members are looking for constructive criticism or simply encouraging remarks about the duel.
-For the purposes of the Squad Dueling League, a squad is defined as the 32 individuals listed in any single Main Arena squad roster on the HTC Squads Page. Multiple wings of the same name are also permitted to take part.
- Squads must have at least 6 participants to duel
- Squads may have more than 6 in a duel so long as both squads agree on the number. If there is a number imbalance that wasn’t agreed on before the round then it must be flown again. It is each C.O’s responsibility to make sure he has the correct number of pilots.
- Squads must remain within icon range of fellow squad mates prior to the merge.
- Duel may not start aircraft combat manoeuvres until the first 2 opposing planes come into icon range of each other. Once in icon range planes can begin to dive, climb and shoot.
- Squads will accept or decline all duels on this forum. An example subject title would be 332nd Flying Mongrels Challenges The Few
The challenge is accepted or declined in the thread. If accepted, any and all AAR’s are posted in that thread. C.O.’s and X.O.’s may cut and paste AAR’s from their squaddies to satisfy the AAR requirement.
- All merges will be hot
- Fuel and load out will be up to each squad
- Prior to the duel Squads will decide in the challenge thread:
a) Date and time
b) Number of participants on each side
c) Merge altitude
d) Aircraft to be used
e) Any other considerations
- All duels will be the best of 5 rounds.
- If a squad ups the wrong AC the round is done over
- We encourage any results from squad duels to be posted in the private Squad Dueling League O’Club forum.
As squads become more comfortable with each other, rules for their duels may give one squad alt advantages, numbers advantages, or other criteria, but it is strongly suggested any changes like those mentioned are not employed till squads have dueled each other at least once.
Squads are welcome to ‘scrimmage’, quick duels each other at any time or any place. Scrimmage’s are not official and do not have to be recorded in this forum. Scrimmages may employ all the rules of a regular duel, but they are not official and do not count as a win or loss.
Remember the idea of the SDL is for squads to compete in friendly game play. We all want to win, but that never should be paramount.
For now duels will take place in the Dueling Arena. Should squads wish to have their duels in the Special Events Arena arrangements can be made for that.
"Winning is important to me, but what brings me real joy is the experience of being fully engaged in whatever I’m doing." – Phil Jackson
"The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." – Confucius
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill.

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