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ERL S4R1 The "First bridge right, second bridge left 1000"

Heavy Metal Sunday presents:
 Enduro Racing League
      Season 4 Race 1
First bridge right, second bridge left 1000
            SEA #1
         9:00 pm Eastern
         8:00 pm Central
         7:00 pm Mountain
         8:00 pm Pacific
Designed by : KAZ
Hosted by : KAZ & Marshal
Terrain - race10 
Start Field – Bishop A2 (map 10-18-7)
Vox/Text – 200
Aircraft - FM2 chosen by Dadkev
Fuel Burn Rate - 2.0
Takeoff – Northeast
Views Enabled –F1, F3(External)
    and F5(Gods Eye)
Polesitter - Rope
Heats – 1
Laps per Heat - 10
Finish - Flying Finish at Red Goalpost
Rearm - 1 Mandatory, must be after end of Lap (Red
Goalpost) and must be a good landing & takeoff
Course Description:
  Do not at any time fly over the Grandstand, always
  around.  The Rearm requires a good landing, rearm
  and a good takeoff.  You may cut between the rearm
  pads but observe the one way rule.  All Pylons and
  Watertowers mentioned are hieght markers.
 7. left around Yellow Pylon #1
 8. Right around the Blue Pylon then
 9. between the Green Pylon and the RDRtower

x10. between the double Green Lamppost on the right
11. Fly under the 1st bridge in the Right City
    You may reverse in any manner
12. After the first bridge, turn right with the
    Red Pylon going by on your right
13. Fly between the double Green Lamppost for the
    2nd bridge
14. Fly under the 2nd bridge in the Left City
    Again you may reverse in any manner
12. After the 2nd bridge, turn left with the Yellow
    Pylon going by on your right

 13. Fly between the the Water tower and the RDR tower
14. Then right around the second RDR tower

15. Left around the Green Double Lamppost,
    right around the Red Double Lamppost,
    left around the HQ building and then
    right around the Yellow Double Lamppost

16. Fly through the Bomber Hanger on the NE of the pad
    then right between the Water tower/RDR tower
    then left 180 (yo-yo) to go back through
    the fighter hanger then
17. Left to go around the Grandstands and rejoin
    the course by flying through the lower section of
    RED Goal Post.  This and ends the lap.

    10 times through to finish the race but
    1 Mandatory Flying (with good landing) rearm
    is required after lap 1 and before the beginning
    of lap 10
    Taxing through the Rearm Pads is One Way
    Only, NE to SW and you MUST rejoin the course by
    taxing around the SW end of the Grandstands. 
    Rearming will only be done on the SW end of
    the field.
    If you crash on any lap you must repeat
    the lap you were on by takeingoff from the
    Northeast Runway.  You must fly a least one
    lap before rearming.
    Good Luck Enduro Racers and remember*
    in an Endurance race it is all about the
    finish!  These are very long laps.  The advantage
    goes to the pilot that does not crash but if you do,
    just get another airplane and keep trying.  This is
    a ten race season, fly to live and fly often.


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